Constitutional & Human Rights (North)
Section Meetings: 12:00 P.M., first Thursday (5 meetings - Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr, Jun)
Meetings presented in person and by live webcast. |
PD Calendar |
This Section focuses on constitutional law, civil liberties, the Charter of Rights & Freedoms and human rights law. Diverse speakers will cover substantive law, and practical and procedural issues for lawyers who face these issues occasionally or often in their practice. We seek to address both civil and criminal contexts and have some joint meetings with our Section including administrative, civil litigation, criminal and education law. We plan to have a member of the judiciary address our members during the year. We are committed to fostering discussions and keeping our members up to date with speakers on recent developments and trends.
Join this Section and participate in the experience and practice of constitutional and human rights law.
Section Executive
Alberta Justice - Constitutional & Aboriginal Law
Office of the Auditor General
Allan W Damer Professional Corporation o/a Damer Legal