Sections & Community


Join over 50% of Alberta members who participate in CBA Alberta Sections and Committees. There are many opportunities within the CBA Alberta Branch to lend your expertise and network with like-minded professionals. They include:

Alberta Sections

The Alberta Branch has 69 speciality groups, or Sections, in the North and South that focus on substantive areas of the law and areas of interest within the legal profession.

Alberta Branch Committees

With the active support of our members, the Alberta Branch Committees play an important role in the guiding of our work and providing strategic input. Visit Alberta Branch Committees for more information.

National Sections and Committees

CBA national Sections address legal issues, regulations, and national trends.  CBA Committees play an important role in guiding our work, coordinating policy activities, advancing important CBA matters, and providing strategic advice.

Not a member?

Participation in Sections and Committees are a benefit of CBA Alberta members. Join today!