On September 1, Amanda Lindberg became the 2022-23 President of the Canadian Bar Association – Alberta Branch, after originally joining the executive in 2019 when she was acclaimed as Secretary. Amanda has strong CBA roots, having joined in her first year at the Faculty of Law at the University of Alberta. Since university, she has held a variety of leadership roles in the CBA including provincial council member, co-chair of the Civil Litigation Section, co-chair of Edmonton’s Law Day committee, provincial co-chair for Law Day, and Section Coordinator for north Alberta. She is also the board chair of the Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre in Edmonton and a member of the organizing committee for the gala event celebrating the career of the extraordinary Chief Justice Catherine A. Fraser.
Amanda and her husband, Kelvin, live an idyllic country life on an acreage near Stony Plain with their two adorable children (Abigail, 9, and Kallen, 7), their mischievous cat, Sparkleshine and their loyal dog, Stella, named so that the Lindbergs would have an excuse to yell “Hey, Stella” out their backdoor. Amanda and her family enjoy spending time with their friends and family, often sharing outdoor activities such as weekend camping trips, or roasting marshmallows by a roaring backyard fire around the Lindberg’s massive fire pit.
What you might not know about Amanda is that she is a big fan of science fiction television shows from the ’80s and ’90s such as Star Trek: The Next Generation and Stargate SG-1, and that she likes fast cars, particularly German and Italian ones.
Amanda practises family law at Bruyer & Mackay LLP, Edmonton’s pre-eminent family law firm, and has appeared in all levels of Alberta Courts, including conducting trials at both the Court of Queen's Bench and the Provincial Court.
You may be wondering how Amanda is able to balance her busy practise, her young family, and her volunteer commitments. The answer to that is with the love and support of her husband Kelvin. Apparently, all Amanda had to do to secure her husband’s agreement to take on a larger share of parental responsibilities while Amanda was carrying out her duties as President was to agree that he could retire at 50! Now that’s what I call commitment to the CBA!
Amanda personifies the volunteer spirit of the Canadian Bar Association. Amanda always has something to contribute, whether it be thoughtful suggestions or comments at a board meeting or rolling up her sleeves and getting the work done on whatever committee she serves on. Amanda also knows that the CBA is not just about work—it is also about enjoying the company of your CBA family. CBA Alberta is in good hands with President Lindberg.
David Hiebert, K.C. is a past president (2020-21) of the Canadian Bar Association - Alberta Branch. He is a partner at Witten LLP in Edmonton, where he practices mainly corporate/commercial law.