A Successful Day In Court (Video) The Alberta Branch, in cooperation with the Provincial Court of Alberta, Alberta Justice and the Alberta Law Foundation present the video titled A Successful Day in Court – How to Present or Defend Your Civil Claim.
Alberta’s Minor Injury Regulation: Automobile Insurance Profits, Premium Rates And Costs This economic study for the Alberta Branch finds the automobile industry would continue to be highly profitable even if the $4,000 cap on payments for soft tissue injuries were removed.
Community Responsibility Task Force Volunteerism Report This report states that the average Alberta lawyer spent over fifteen regular working days volunteering their time, skills and expertise as lawyers, to individuals and community organizations across Alberta.
Conflict – What’s Language Got to Do With It? Prepared by Assistant Chief Judge Victor T. Tousignant, Provincial Court of Alberta, Family and Youth Divisions.
Handbook for Lawyers on Judicial Dispute Resolution Prepared by Justice J. Agrios and Janice A. Agrios.
No Profit Doesn't Mean No Risk: Liability and Governance Issues for School Boards and Not-For-Profit Organizations A set of slides prepared by Robert Patzelt, Q.C., Vice President, Risk Management & General Counsel, Scotia Investments Limited, Nova Scotia.
Personal Safety Handbook – Minimizing Risks to Personal Safety for You, Your Family and Colleagues (2010) How you, your family, friends and colleagues can minimize risks to personal safety.
Privacy Policy for Small to Medium-Sized Law Firms Privacy guidelines, and sample privacy statement and consent form.