From the PD Manager | June 3, 2024

CBA Alberta’s PD programming year runs from September until June but that doesn’t mean that you can’t access PD over the summer. Almost all of the PD that CBA Alberta offers outside of Sections is recorded and your CBA membership gives you on-demand access to it anytime and anywhere you want.

To access some of CBA Alberta’s more recent on-demand PD, go to our On-Demand PD webpage. Whether you want to learn about wellness, improve your understanding of technology or hear from Alberta’s Chief Justices, we’ve got you covered. The best part is that it’s all complimentary for CBA members.

If you want to see CBA’s full lineup of on-demand PD from across Canada, go to our searchable PD website - You can also learn more about all of the great cross-country PD that’s available to you as a CBA member here

Summer is a great time to check out CBA’s wide range of on-demand PD and get a head start on your CPD Plan. Don’t forget that the Law Society of Alberta’s CPD planning period opens on August 1 and CPD Plans are due on October 1. If you’re a member of a CBA Alberta Section, here is an article that will help you include your Section activities in your CPD Plan.

Thanks for reading and have a fantastic summer! I’ll be back in the fall with more tips to help you get the most out of your CBA membership.

Susan Borsic, K.C.
Manager of Professional Development