The team at the CBA Alberta offices in Calgary and Edmonton are monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak closely. All in-person Section and Committee meetings will continue as planned, until such a time (if it occurs) that public health officials recommend cancelling in-person gatherings.
We ask that any member who is feeling unwell (particularly if you are experiencing a fever, cough or shortness of breath) refrain from attending in-person meetings. We also remind everyone who does attend in-person meetings to engage in preventative measures to help prevent the spread of illness, such as regular handwashing and/or use of hand sanitizer, particularly when handing food at the lunch meetings.
If you are unable to attend a Section meeting in person due to illness, note that many of our Section meetings are recorded and made available for viewing after the fact. You can access your Section meeting materials by visiting the main Section page on our website and clicking on the "Meeting Materials" button. If you need assistance accessing Section materials, please contact your local CBA Alberta office.
We will continue to keep our members up-to-date on our efforts as the situation progresses.