Young Lawyers

The Young Lawyers Section promotes camaraderie among early-career lawyers in professional and social activities, while helping build a solid foundation for legal practice.

Delegates networking at a conference.

The Section focuses on the development and enhancement of legal skills and knowledge, and the sharing of practice management tips and tools, with speakers from a variety of backgrounds exploring issues relevant to early-career lawyers and to articling students who are entering the profession.

The Young Lawyers Section is open to all CBA members who are under 40 years old or have been called to the bar for less than 10 year, including articling students. CBA Alberta members who are in their first three years of call receive complimentary auto-enrollment in the Young Lawyers Section.

Meeting Dates

  • North: 12:00 P.M., second Monday (monthly)
  • South: 12:00 P.M., second Friday (monthly)