Volunteer opportunities
Section volunteer are essential to the work we do at CBA Alberta every day. They contribute time, knowledge, leadership and inspiration. In return, volunteers gain experience and opportunities to make a difference. Regardless of your year of call or area of practice, we welcome volunteer applications for all members, and have opportunities for members from all stages and types of practice.
CBA Alberta Sections recruit new executive officers annually in the spring. Opportunities with each Section may include:
- Section Chair or Co-Chair
- Vice-Chair or Secretary
- Legislative or Case Review Officer
- Social Coordinator, Program Coordinator, Committee Liaison or Member at Large
Time investment
We encourage volunteers to get actively involved in our Sections. You can anticipate a time commitment of two to four hours per month. This includes:
- Planning and running up to 10 Section PD and networking events per year
- Contributing to CBA advocacy work on important legal matters by responding to calls for feedback or submissions to government, regulators, the courts and other partners in the legal community
- Analyzing trends, addressing issues, and developing tools and resources for the benefit of CBA members
Section executive terms run from September 1 to August 31 each year.