Advancing your reconciliation journey

Resources designed to educate and assist lawyers and organizations, driven by the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action.

Two feathers of a medicine wheel.

CBA Alberta resources

The purpose of this resource guide is to provide direction on creating and sharing land acknowledgements that help honour the Indigenous communities on whose land we live, work and play.


National resources

This toolkit is designed to create a better, more inclusive future. No matter where you are on your reconciliation journey, these resources will help your firm become a better ally, engage with Indigenous advisors, recruit and retain Indigenous talent, and more.

The Gladue & Beyond toolkit provides information on the over-representation of Indigenous peoples in the justice system, jury diversity, Gladue and the Indian Act. You’ll find relevant case files and criminal codes, along with Gladue rights and guides.

The CBA developed this accredited series in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action. The six online modules use videos and quizzes to introduce you to the history of Indigenous peoples and demystify some of the legal issues surrounding the Canadian Constitution, the Indian Act, treaties and rulings by the Supreme Court of Canada.