Returning to the Office: Considerations for Law Firms

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Returning to the Office: Considerations for Law Firms

Updated: May 5, 2020 

CBA developed this resource to help law firms transition back to in‐office operations when the province/territory where you practice proceeds through re‐opening. The health and safety of your people and your clients remain paramount. You should continue to refer to your region’s Health Officer and governments for the latest protections, contact restrictions, and re‐opening plans, and adapt your return to the office plan accordingly. 

The information provided in this document assumes that physical distancing requirements of 2 metres remain in place and that gatherings of up to 10‐15 people are permitted in the first phase of re‐opening. 

The resource was developed with contributions from CBA members and firms, human resources professionals, and leading Canadian and international organizations. We will update it as new information becomes available.