I, along with my co-chairs of the Canadian Bar Association, Alberta Branch Access to Justice Committee, Kendall Moholitny and Kelly Ann Fenney, are delighted to present you with this electronic magazine devoted entirely to the issue of practising law outside of Calgary and Edmonton.
This publication is timely given the challenges which our profession is grappling with as far as ensuring that all Albertans have access to legal services. Much of this current discussion regarding access to justice focuses on a shortage of family lawyers, the increasing numbers of self-represented litigants, the dearth of lawyers willing to do work on a limited scope retainer basis, or the inadequate funding of Legal Aid. But there is growing concern of the effect that the retirement of lawyers working in communities outside of Calgary and Edmonton is having on access to legal services in those communities.
There is much to be worried about. Once a smaller community loses its lawyer to retirement, it loses an important thread in its community fabric. For lawyers are much more than just legal advisors in these communities: they become trusted members of boards, city councils, and volunteer organizations, they provide a calm voice when community affairs turn stormy, and they often lead in times of crisis. Lawyers are essential to all of our communities, but especially so in smaller ones. But there are also signs that times may be changing. As Jocelyn Frazer points out, there has been a recent influx of younger lawyers in our smaller communities. It may be that they are recognizing that legal practice in these communities is modern, vibrant, busy, challenging, and profitable. A young lawyer in these communities will do work far beyond their year of call as compared with their colleagues in a big Calgary or Edmonton law firm. As these communities grow (and fast), the legal work is becoming ever increasingly complex and challenging. And there are other advantages too. If you practice in one of these communities, you’re likely to be on personal terms with your circuit judge, court staff, your mayor, civic and business leaders. Business is booming and business is good.
As we know, our younger lawyers are struggling with the challenges of maintaining a rewarding work-life balance in the big cities. Billable demands are high, commutes take hours and by the time they get home, it is hard to believe that lawyers have any energy left to put their kids to bed. That’s not to say that the practice of law in our smaller communities is casual. Talk to any lawyer who practices in these communities and they’ll tell you that they’re often busier then they’d like to be and that they’re not sure how they can get the work done. But they’ll also tell you of the rewards of being able to spend time with their families, see their kids grow up, or truly feel at home in a community that they are helping to shape.
The purpose of this publication is to provide you, who practice in communities across this province, with some practical advice and information about how you can attract younger lawyers to come practice in your communities. The solutions for attracting lawyers aren’t in Calgary and Edmonton, but reside with you, in the experiences you have gained working in your communities over a lifetime.
You might feel that you need some help, though. You might be nearing retirement and haven’t turned your mind to what you want to do with your practice. Maybe you haven’t had the time to think about creating a firm website. Maybe ill health has sapped you of your energy. You love your community but feel powerless to confront the reality that one day you’ll no longer be there to help your neighbours or your friends in the way that you always have.
This publication is written for you. Cathy Regier can tell you what out-of-the-box creative thinking has meant for her community. Maryanne Forrayi, Patricia Neil and Susanne Gafarova are here to help and are coming up with creative, energizing ways to create linkages between our law schools and our communities who are in search for lawyers. Anna Choles, Suzette Golden-Greenwood and Ryan Armstrong share their insight on how lawyers in smaller communities can attract younger lawyers. And Jocelyn Frazer, Arthur Greene, William Howell and the ever indomitable Rob Harvie, share some ideas as to how you can plan your firm succession.
This brings me to Cyril Gurevitch. Cyril has been relentless in sounding the clarion call for more attention to be paid to our communities outside of Calgary and Edmonton. He is seeing what’s happening in Grande Prairie where a growing city is losing its lawyers. He devoted his CBA Presidency to exploring ways in which the CBA could attract lawyers to communities like his. His work with Dean Ian Holloway, Maryanne Forrayi and Cathy Regier in laying the groundwork for the Medicine Hat initiative speaks of his passion, energy and great love for communities across this province and for his commitment to the principle that the people in those communities should have access to a lawyer.
Cyril, this publication is dedicated to you.
- Ola Malik
CBA Alberta Branch Access to Justice Committee Co-Chair