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CBA Alberta event
2025 CBA Alberta Annual General Meeting
CBA Alberta Branch President Robert D.L. Bassett updated the membership on the activities of the association over the past year.
CBA Alberta event
Advancing When So Much Is Unknown
Speaker: Sheizana Murji
The legal profession is navigating a period of unprecedented uncertainty. From major regulatory changes and shifting client expectations to disruptive technologies and economic challenges, lawyers face more unknowns than ever before. How do you ensure progress for your practice, your team, and your clients when so much feels unpredictable?
Articling Students (Provincial)
Alberta Civil Procedure – What You Don’t Learn in Law School
Join a discussion about Alberta’s Court system & civil procedure from a practical point of view, Court forms, deadlines, processes and etiquette .
Presenters: Max MacLeod, Michael Bokhaut & Bryce Wells
Wills Full
Tax: Tips and Trips for Estate Planning
This presentation will cover a broad range of tax topics relevant to estate planning.
Presenters: S. Dane ZoBell & Marcus Kostick
Family Law (North)
How to Not Get Bounced by the Court Clerks
Presenters: Allison Green & Carla Gomes
Administrative Law (South)
The Prorogation Case, MacKinnon v. Canada
Please join for an insightful discussion by Prof. Eric Adams of the University of Alberta Faculty Law regarding the Federal Court challenge of Prime Minister Trudeau’s decision to advise the Governor General of Canada to exercise her prerogative power to prorogue the first session of the 44th Parliament of Canada until Monday, March 24, 2025.
Presenters: Professor Eric Adams
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Insurance Law (North)
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (“CCUS”)
Presenters: Brent Korobanik, Stuart Chambers, Aaron Mann
Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
Maximizing Collaboration: The In-House Legal Perspective on Engaging External Counsel
Join us for an insightful presentation by Ravi K. Parhar, Vice President, Legal and Compliance at ENMAX, and discover how in-house counsel align legal strategies with business goals, manage resources, and decide when to handle matters internally versus hiring external experts.
Presenters: Ravi k. Parhar
Health Law (South)
Navigating Alberta's Health Information Act: Rights, Obligations, and Emerging Trends
An overview of how the HIA works, key compliance considerations, and emerging trends to monitor while this niche area of the law evolves.
Presenter: Tory Hibbit
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Navigating WCB Psychological Injury Claims
Psychological workplace injury claims are on the rise in Alberta and resulting in a new frontier of compensable workplace injuries that employers and employees must learn to navigate.
Presenters: Megan Schaub & Gina Savoie
Natural Resources (South)
Regulatory and Commercial Considerations Relating to Small Modular Reactors
The presentation will provide a brief overview of small modular reactor (SMR) technologies in development, a review of government support programs relating to SMRs and recent developments, and a discussion of regulatory, waste management and commercial considerations relevant to SMR project development.
Presenters: Simon Baines & Deirdre Sheehan
Child & Youth Law (South)
It’s 2025 and We All have to Learn about AI (and Not Just for the Kids)
Join Ryan Black of DLA Piper for an essential discussion on generative AI's impact on the legal profession. This session will break down AI myths, explore ethical and legal considerations, and provide practical insights for lawyers of all technical backgrounds.
Presenters: Ryan Black
Young Lawyers (North)
Andrea will speak to our section about foreclosures – what are they, how to differentiate between different foreclosure processes, and why you shouldn’t dabble.
Presenter: Andrea Steen
Women Lawyers' Forum (North)
Come to hear about what is going on and how you can support the work of the CBA.
Presenter: Kathy Briere
Personal Injury Law (South)
Personal Injury Tips and Tricks for Junior Counsel
This seminar is geared towards junior counsel to provide them with tips and tricks for personal injury matters and will address various topics such as achieving efficient and effective settlements, retaining experts and valuing claims.
Presenters: Walter Kubitz, KC & Jenny McMordie, KC
Alternative Dispute Resolution (North)
Please join us in welcoming the Hon. Neil Wittmann, K.C., presenting on his recently published article in the ADR Perspectives newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 4, titled “Awarding Costs in Arbitration”. In domestic arbitrations in Canada, statutes or an arbitration agreement may confer jurisdiction on a tribunal to award costs in favour of a party.
Presenter: The Honourable Justice Neil Wittmann, K.C.
Aboriginal Full
Benoît Amyot, counsel to Pekuakamiulnuatsh Takuhikan, will review the latest decision from the Supreme Court on the Honour of the Crown and its intersection with private law.
Presenter: Benoît Amyot
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
A Roundtable Discussion with the Applications Judges
An engaging discussion about best morning Chambers practice, updates from the Courthouse, and for a question and answer period.
Presenters: Applications Judge Summers, Applications Judge Birkett, Applications Judge Park
Real Property Law - Commercial (South)
Presenters: Chris Downie & Morgan Quinn
Civil Litigation (North)
Review of the Delay Rules under the Rules of Court
Come hear the most recent developments on Rules 4.31 and 4.33
Presenters: Jessica Dorsey & Coralie Mohr
Insurance Law (North)
Effective Costs Submissions: Key Insights from Armbruster v Nutting, 2024 ABKB 195
Armbruster v Nutting, 2024 ABKB 195, exploring the court’s reasoning on costs, practical strategies for making costs submissions, and key takeaways for insurance litigators.
Presenter: Nabeel Peermohamed (Partner, Brownlee LLP)
Municipal Law (South)
That’s Show Business – Considerations and Lessons Learned in Filming Location Contracts
Presenter: Josh Switzer
Commercial Property & Leasing (North)
Considerations in Commercial Condominium Development
A high level overview of disclosure obligations in commercial condominium development, impacts on Developers in failing to comply with such obligations, remedies available to Purchasers in such instances, and other considerations lawyers should be aware of when acting for commercial condominium developers/purchasers.
Presenter: Arun Shourie
Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
McCarthy Tétrault LLP will provide an overview of the current state of nuclear energy in Canada, with a focus on nuclear regulation and recent developments, including Small Modular Reactors.
Presenters: Audrey Bouffard-Nesbitt & Kimberly Howard
CCCA (South)
A Competition Act Primer for Corporate Counsel: Key Issues and Competition Bureau Enforcement Trends
We will discuss the general provisions of the Competition Act, with the goal of helping counsel guide their clients, including specifically highlighting: criminal offences (conspiracy & bid-rigging), agreements to lessen competition substantially (including recent amendments that apply to restrictive covenants), deceptive marketing practices (including the new greenwashing provisions), enhanced refusal to deal (including the right to repair), increased penalties, and expanded private rights of access.
Presenter: Beth Riley
Environmental Web
Tailings Management and Naphthenic Acids
A discussion of tailings management in the wake of Imperial Oil’s tailings spill and the legal status of naphthenic acids.
Presenter: Zachary Biech
Immigration Law (South)
Intersection of Criminal Law and Immigration
The talk will reveal the criminal lawyer’s perspective when immigration issues arise in criminal proceedings.
Presenters: David Nguyen
Foreclosure Law (South)
Perspective of the Defendants in Foreclosure Actions
Please provide questions for Mr. Llewellyn regarding the perspective of defendants / what Mr. Llewellyn’s clients usually look for to resolve foreclosure proceedings, and any usual pitfalls/hurdles.
Presenter: Clive Llewellyn
Aboriginal Law (South)
Reconciliation Action Plans: an Australian and Canadian Perspective
The corporate sector in Canada has responded to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #92 to varying degrees. One such response is company-specific Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP).
Presenters: Ray Chartier & Lindsay Bec
Civil Litigation (South)
A review of notable civil litigation decisions from 2024.
Armaan Dhillon, Mary Barger, Sahar Sultani & Jonah Secreti
Construction Law (North)
Introduction to Planning & Development
This presentation focuses on Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act and foundational planning law principles including an introduction to statutory plans, land use bylaws, development permits and subdivision applications. It also touches on servicing agreements, stop orders, compliance and the subdivision and development appeals process.
Presenters: Jessy Inkpen & Kevin Haldane
Presenter: James D. MacNeil
Labour & Employment Law (North)
Conflicting Human Rights in the Workplace
Diane Laranja will discuss how employers are faced with situations that may place the human rights of an employee against the human rights of other employees and how the employer can navigate the same in a manner that is compliant with human rights legislation
Presenter: Diane Laranja
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
Presenters: Parisa Khazra & Kerri Behrendt
CBA Alberta event
2025 Distinguished Service Awards - Video
Jointly presented by the Law Society of Alberta and the Canadian Bar Association - Alberta.
Immigration Law (North)
A Practical Guide to Preparing H&C Applications
A practical guide to preparing applications for permanent residence based on humanitarian and compassionate considerations.
Presenter: Ronalee Carey (Ronalee Carey Law)
Criminal Justice (North)
Alberta's New Electronic Monitoring Program
An overview of what criminal lawyers need to know about Alberta's Electronic Monitoring Program.
Presenters: Thomas Kuperus, Harmeet Aulakh, Rebecca Schmidt, Allison Downey-Damato K.C., Brittany Murphy
Wills Full
Whole Life Insurance and Estate Plans
How Whole Life Insurance can be utilized with a comprehensive estate plan to achieve five key goals.
Presenters: Andrew King & Patrick Cziolek
Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
Join the Legal Research and Knowledge Management Section for a roundtable discussion on effective research tools and techniques. Share insights, learn from peers, and discover resources to enhance your legal practice.
Family Law (North)
Views From a Financial Expert in Family Law
Helpful information and tips to assist counsel in effectively using financial experts in family law matters based on her experience. Can we
Presenter: Bailey Rivard
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Insurance Law (North)
Insurance Implications of Climate Change - Panel Discussion
This panel will discuss the changes that are occurring in the insurance industry due to climate change, and the consequences they may have on property owners, and the Canadian financial system more broadly.
Presenters: David Tupper & Alana Scotchmer & Cecilia Hoover
Alternative Dispute Resolution (North)
Mediation: Tips and Strategies
A general overview of what is helpful for a mediator, including tips on how to prepare for success and different situations during a mediation.
Presenter: Kyle T. H. Smith
Administrative Law (South)
The Standard of Review of Regulations
The Supreme Court’s decisions in Auer v Auer, 2024 SCC 36, and TransAlta, 2024 SCC 37, settle the standard of review for regulatory challenges. This meeting features counsel from these cases and top academics discussing their impact and the future of Administrative Law.
Presenters: Gregory Plester, Michael Donaldson, KC, Katie Sykes, Laura Warner, Ryan Phillips, Matthew Scott, Michael Morris, Mark Mancini and Martin Olszynski
Natural Resources (South)
Perspectives on the Restructured Energy Market
This panel will examine REM's impacts on industrial consumers, energy storage, and corporate renewable power procurement
Presenters: Megan Gill, Robert Tremblay, Jorden Dye
Wills Full
Navigating the Corporate Executor Landscape: Key Considerations and Best Practices
This presentation will explore the corporate executor landscape, examining the key differences among corporate executors and their roles in estate management.
Presenters: Jenna Carvalho
Construction Law (South)
Construction Damages (Part I): What Can You Claim For?
In the context of construction disputes, what kinds of damages can a party seek recovery for? Join Andrew Sunter and Susan Fader from Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP and Barry Milliner from MKA Canada Inc. for a discussion about construction damages claims.
Presenters: Susan Fader & Barry Milliner
CBA Alberta event
As a CBA Alberta volunteer, you will connect with legal professionals across the country, develop your leadership skills, advance your career, and help shape the future of law.
Presenters: Allan Delgado, Sania Chaudhry, Kyle Kawanami, & Amanda Lindberg
Personal Injury Law (South)
Auto Insurance Reform in Alberta: Recent Developments and Future Directions
Discussion will include a look at some of the motivating factors behind the reform, consultation outcomes, expectations for the final product, and some things to watch for as the product develops.
Presenters: Jackie Halpern, KC & Karamveer S. Lalh
Women Lawyers' Forum (North)
What is a Financial Plan, and Why Do Women Need One?
WLF is pleased to welcome Moira R. Váne, K.C. to discuss financial planning and why women need a financial plan. Moira is both a practicing lawyer and a Qualified Associate Financial Planner candidate.
Presenter: Moira R. Váne, K.C.
Taxation Law (North)
Mandatory Disclosure Rules
Presenters: Jeanne Posey & Jacqueline Tmej
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
Our semi-annual extended caselaw review goes over recent developments in judgment enforcement, foreclosures, and bankruptcy matters.
Presenters: Andrea Steen & Bren Cargill
CBA Alberta event
Access to Justice for Victims of Economic Abuse
This presentation explains the prevalence and consequences of Economic Abuse and explores the evidence that survivors lack access to justice.
Presenter: Dr. McKay White
Insurance Law (North)
Road Safety and Implications for the Insurance Industry
The intent of the presentation is to provide experience on the application of Road Safety Audits (RSA) over the past 25 years and to provide suggestions for enhancing the RSA process for the next 25 years.
Presenter: John Morrall, PhD., P.ENG
Child & Youth Law (South)
Co-Parent communication solutions to reduce the impact of parental conflict on children.
Presenter: Andrea LaRochelle
CBA Alberta event
Practice Management: Unlock the Secrets to Efficient Practice Management
Modern Lawyer Series
With legal tech expert Nathan Lee & Kyla Sandwith
Civil Litigation (South)
The Competence-Competence Principle for Litigators
The Competence-Competence Principle for Litigators
Julie Hopkins & Matthew Schneider
Insolvency Law (South)
Consumer Insolvency Law 2024 (Year in Review)
Consumer Insolvency Law 2024 (Year in Review)
Presenters: Matthew Prieur
Construction Law (North)
Construction Law in the Age of Vavilov: The Interaction of Judicial Review and Construction Law
This presentation builds off the paper “Construction Law in the Age of Vavilov” written by the presenter and published in the Journal of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers.
Presenter: James D. MacNeil
Business Law (North), Labour & Employment Law (North)
Carter Greschner and Scott MacDonald will discuss the overlap between corporate commercial law and labour and employment law as both areas relate to mergers and acquisitions.
Presenters: Carter Greschner & Scott MacDonald
CCCA (South)
Privacy in Transactions: From Diligence to Integration
Join us for a discussion on privacy regulations in transactions, covering data flows in sales, mergers, financings, and leasing. This session will explore key privacy considerations from due diligence to post-acquisition integration.
Presenter: Adam LaRoche & Erika Romanow
Administrative Law (North), Health Law (North)
Vavilov and Professional Regulation: Standard of Review 5 Years Later
After five years of Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v Vavilov, join us for a discussion about the impacts on standard of review in professional regulation, including the regulation of health care professionals.
Presenter: Ashley Reid
CBA Alberta event
From Application to Courtroom: The Life and Duties of a Justice of the Peace in Alberta
From Application to Courtroom: The Life and Duties of a Justice of the Peace in Alberta
Immigration Law (South)
Exploring Various Remedies After Refusals
Pathways and considerations in making reconsideration requests, appeals, and judicial review.
Presenter: Jatin Shory
Wills Full
In 2019, the Court of King’s Bench launched Estate Early Intervention Conferences to promote early resolution in estate litigation. Justice Little will offer insights on accessing this process, when it’s most effective, how lawyers can prepare, and strategies to maximize its benefits for clients.
Presenter: Justice Little
Construction Law (South)
From design changes to missed approvals, owner interference can throw a wrench in even the best-planned projects, affecting schedules, budgets, resources, and profitability. Join Russell Patterson and Adrianna Worman from Goodfellow & Schuettlaw in a discussion on how an owner’s actions can impact a project and what recourse may be available to a contractor when it does.
Presenters: Russell Patterson & Adrianna Worman
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
Presenting the Small, Solo and General Practice Fee Survey Results
We will present the results of a simple fee survey for common legal files. Please fill out the anonymous survey before the meeting if you have not already done so.
Presenters: Jonathan Ablett
Business Law (South)
Intellectual Property and Business Law (Buyer/Seller): Key Considerations
This webinar will discuss managing intellectual property (IP) in business transactions.
Presenters: James Swanson
Insurance Law (North)
Michael Hokanson, K.C. will be presenting on the ins and outs of mediation, addressing what a mediator looks for in a good mediation brief, the general structure of a mediation, and the role of a mediator.
Presenters: Joelle French & Michael J.M. Hokanson, K.C.
Municipal Law (North)
Expropriation Case Law Update and Analysis
Presenters: Paul Barrette & Inderjit Dhiman
Immigration Law (North)
Practical Advice on Leave and Judicial Review Applications
In Erin Roth's Immigration Law practice, she focuses on litigation and admissibility issues and appears regularly before the Federal courts and the Immigration and Refugee Board.
Presenter: Erin Roth
Real Property Law - Residential (South)
Client Identification and Verification Made Easy Using Treefort!
New client verification rules for Alberta lawyers begin January 1st, allowing tools like Treefort for secure, easy identity checks with advanced fraud protection, multi-factor authentication, and trusted by nearly 2,000 law offices in Canada.
Presenter: Jay Krushell
Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), Civil Litigation (North)
Join us in welcoming Ivan Derer, K.C., as he shares insights from over 25 years as a mediator, highlighting effective advocacy, evolving challenges, and best practices across various dispute types.
Presenter: Ivan Derer, K.C.
Child & Youth Law (South)
Parenting Coordination: A Child-Focused Approach
Presenters: Krysta Ostwald KC & Dr. Larry Fong
Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
Effective Legal Writing: Crafting Persuasive and Clear Legal Documents
This session will delve into the art of crafting persuasive and clear legal documents, essential for any legal professional. Learn how to structure your arguments logically, write with clarity and precision, and make your documents more compelling and convincing.
Presenters: Joan Bilsland
Family Law (North)
Cohabitation and Pre-nuptial Agreement
How to protect yourself and your clients from the uncertainty of cohabitation/pre-nuptial agreements.
Presenters: Wendy C. Rollins, KC
Wills Full
Tax and Estate Planning Challenges for Farm Families
Unique considerations and challenges faced by farm families in their estate planning and succession planning.
Presenter: Clayton Sommer
Construction Law (South)
Construction Law Year in Review
Discussion of the key construction law cases from the last calendar year and their potential implications on construction practice going forward.
Presenters: The 2024-2025 Construction Law South Executive
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North)
Multi-Jurisdictional Legal Approaches to Addressing Plastic Pollution
Presenter: Melissa Gorrie
Civil Litigation (South)
Generative AI: Blessing or Curse?
An informative session on current Generative AI tools, issues and trends and how they impact the practice of law today.
Presenter: Len Polsky K.C.
Family Law (North)
The Divorce Coach: The Bridge Between Client and Lawyer That You Didn't Know You Needed
Presenters: Heidi Dinning & Dori Braddell
Articling Students (Provincial)
Articling Recruit – Finding an Articling Position
Presenters: Colleen Hollis & Melissa Boyes
Aboriginal Full
Indigenous Justice and Enforcing First Nations Laws
Despite the implementation of s.718 of the Criminal Code intended to offset Indigenous overrepresentation and the various Indigenous restorative Justice measures undertaken throughout Canada, the rate of Indigenous incarceration continues to increase.
Presenter: Hon. L. S. Tony Mandamin IPC
Young Lawyers (North)
Learn the tools and strategies to effectively enforce judgments, including locating assets, garnishment, and sale of land.
Presenter: Gil Miciak
CCCA (South)
Ethics on the Move: Career Changes and the Code of Conduct
There can be important code implications as we move in-house, move to a new role, move from a legal role to a business role, and in our day to day practice as internal counsel.
Presenter: Deborah Book
Constitutional & Human Rights Law (North)
Constitutional Issues Arising from Alberta’s Bills Impacting Trans and Gender Diverse Youth
This presentation will examine the constitutional issues arising from Alberta’s new Bills and discuss the lessons to be learned from other jurisdictions so far.
Presenter: Jennifer Koshan
Privacy & Access Law (North)
Assistant Commissioner, OIPC Presentation on PIPA Review, FOIP Split and Orders of Interest
Please join us for a presentation from Assistant Commissioner Cara-Lynn Stelmack from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta.
Presenter: Cara-Lynn Stelmack
Privacy & Access Law (North), Personal Injury Law (South)
Access to Information: The Intersection of Personal Injury and Privacy Law
Come explore pre-litigation issues as we discuss applicable access to information legislation for health and other personal information, fee schedules and expected timelines for access.
Presenter: Marc Yu
Real Property Law - Commercial (South)
Environmental Contaminated Sites Issues in Commercial Leases
Presenters: Grant Walsom, Jan Quinlan & Nick Swanlund
Child & Youth Law (South)
An Overview of Child Inclusive Mediation
The presentation will provide an overview of an Child Inclusive Mediation process that uses the Meeting with Children approach and how the Child Counsel can be used to promote the settlement of parenting disputes outside of the typical court process.
Presenter: Jonathan P. Tieman
Commercial Property & Leasing (North)
Need to Know: Environmental Considerations for Transferring and Leasing Commercial Properties
Key environmental considerations in purchase and sale agreements and leases for commercial properties. The presentation will cover common issues and pitfalls, and focus on practical steps to best serve the client.
Presenter: Sean Parker
Criminal Justice (South)
Meaningful Restorative Justice for Indigenous Accused Persons
Learn more about how to provide restorative justice for Indigenous accused Persons. Discussing the Calgary Indigenous Court (CIC), established in 2019 to provide a culturally relevant, restorative, and holistic system of justice for Indigenous accused. If you practice in regions outside of Calgary, this seminar will still be of interest to you as we will be discussing restorative justice options for Indigenous accused and Gladue and Ipeelee sentencing principles applicable to courts across Alberta.
Presenters: Justice Anne Brown, Marino Eliopoulos & Krysia Przepiorka
Child & Youth Law (North)
This presentation will be of assistance to all family practitioners, lawyers who represent children as well as lawyers that represent parents where counsel is appointed to represent the children, in providing a better understanding and appreciation of the difficulty in representing Children.
Presenters: Justice Kathleen Linton & Elizabeth Kinhnicki
CCCA (North)
Cybersecurity/System/Email Breach – A Practical Overview of your Breach Response as In-House Counsel
This presentation provides a description of the law on breach response, the Privacy Commissioners’ expectations in that regard, and the step-by-step implementation of the legal obligations to meet the regulator's expectations, as well as minimize risk.
Presenter: Chantal Bernier
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Unmasking the Risks of AI Facial Recognition Technology in the Canadian Immigration System
The current use of AI-FRT by Canadian immigration authorities, analyzing its immediate and long-term implications. It will also explore the broader societal and ethical ramifications of embedding facial recognition technology into Canada’s immigration and border enforcement practices.
Presenter: Dr. Gideon Christian
Immigration Law (North)
Conducting Admissibility Hearings and will examine a few unique aspects of the consequences of a criminal conviction, including the use of an Alford plea
Presenter: Robert Normey
Insurance Law (South)
Practical Considerations for Non-BIA Receiverships
The practical considerations and intricacies arising from receiverships commenced under these regimes.
Presenters: Dana Gaspar & Ryan Zahara
Administrative Law (South)
Discipline for Off-Duty Conduct in Professional Settings
This presentation will focus on the off-duty conduct of police officers specifically, the principles discussed are applicable across a broad range of regulated professions.
Presenter: Jonathan Kikuchi
Construction Law (North)
Practical Developments with respect to the Alberta Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act
Takeaways and best practices with respect to construction liens, prompt payment practices, and adjudication in light of the Alberta Court of King’s Bench 2024 decisions in Welcome Homes Construction Inc. v. Atlas Granite Inc. and Lesenko v. Wild Rose Ready Mix Ltd.
Presenters: Emma Johnston & Mark Puszczak
Young Lawyers (North)
Working With Your Legal Assistant
A strong working relationship between a lawyer and a legal assistant is essential to any successful practice. Learn tips and strategies for effectively managing this crucial aspect of your practice.
Presenters: Shiny Chhina & Michelle Vanden Bos
Business Law (South)
Maximizing Legal Efficiency: The Fractional Counsel Model for Modern Businesses
Learn how this model can help your clients reduce legal costs, increase efficiency, and adapt to changing legal needs. Our presenter will share real-world examples, best practices, and strategies for implementing fractional counsel in various business contexts.
Presenters: Angie Redecopp & Joshua Weinberger
Administrative Law (North)
Justice Feth will highlight a few important admin law cases from the SCC and the ABCA over the past year, with an emphasis on why they are viewed as significant from the judiciary’s perspective.
Presenter: Justice Feth
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
Presentation on the consumer proposal and bankruptcy process, signs and signals of financial distress to watch for in your clients, and ways to “creditor protect” clients and businesses.
Presenter: Rebecca Frederick
Municipal Law (South)
Development Agreements- Law and Practice
Presenters: Dick Haldane, K.C., Shane Gerein & Kraig Radtke
Real Property Law - Residential (South)
Real Estate: Intergenerational Transfers of Wealth and Other Selected Estate Topics
Presenters: Mae Chow & Kayla Thompson
CBA Alberta event
The View from the Bench: A Chat with Alberta's Chiefs | On Demand
The View from the Bench: A chat with Alberta's Chiefs
Elder Law (North), Wills Full
Personal Directives: A Physicians Perspective
Personal Directives: A Physicians Perspective
Presenters: Dr. Sandy Dong
Family Law (South)
Death and Divorce; Tips for Family Lawyers from an Estate Perspective
Presenter: Marty Birky
Family Law (North)
What to Watch Out For in Your Arbitration Agreements
Best practices in various aspects of arbitration agreements including drafting, selecting rules of evidence, powers of the arbitrator, and common mistakes to avoid.
Presenters: Michele J. Reeves & Tina Huizinga, K.C.
Aboriginal Full, Natural Resources (South)
Natural Resource Project Pressures
A legal and practical discussion of navigating the constitutional division of powers, revisions to the Impact Assessment Act, and Indigenous consultation in Alberta and beyond.
Presenters: Kaitlin Long & Matthew Keen
Insurance Law (South), Labour & Employment Law (South)
Harnessing Generative AI: Risks and Rewards
Attendees will gain insights into practical use cases, understanding where Gen AI can add value for themselves and their clients, but also look at the precautions necessary to mitigate associated risks.
Presenter: Len Polsky
Wills Full
Proactive Elder Care Planning – Perspectives Relevant to Trust and Estate Lawyers
What is Elder Care Planning, who provides this advisory service and futureproofing your client's estate plans and documents.
Presenters: Kathy Mendham
Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
Thomson Reuters CoCounsel: The GenAI for Legal Professionals
Join us for a demonstration of CoCounsel, a chat-based generative AI assistant to improve efficiencies around routine tasks, legal research, information analysis, and the drafting of documents.
Presenter: Allan Akizuki
Taxation Law (North)
The presentation is a primer of the debt forgiveness rules under the Income Tax Act (Canada), and will provide an overview of the technical rules and certain planning considerations.
Presenters: Darren Chung & Taylor Page
Real Property Law - Commercial (South)
Fall 2024 Market Commercial Real Estate Update
Presenters: Mason Lam, Ryan Haney, Casey Stuart, Ryan Murphy & Ron Odagaki
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
Dana will review the Qualex decision, with additional comments on the development of the case law regarding environmental liabilities of insolvent debtors since the Supreme Court of Canada’s 2019 decision in Redwater.
Presenter: Dana Nowak
Civil Litigation (North)
A Refresher and Update on Limitations Law in Alberta
- Refresher about key limitations principles;
- Special situations that arise with respect to limitations, including the interaction between litigation and arbitration; and
- Update about more recent developments in the law of limitations.
Presenters: Brendan MacArthur-Stevens, Geoff Adair, Anna Turcza-Karhut & Brooke Mantei
Insurance Law (North)
Working with your Expert Engineer
Best practices when working with an expert engineer on a litigation matter.
Presenter: Nick Trovato
Child & Youth Law (South)
Explore the privacy rights of children, including when and how parents and counsel can use children’s social media posts or text messages in court.
Presenter: Justice M.J. Shaften
Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), CCCA (North)
Mediation & Conflict Resolution
Legal Counsel – get ahead and stay ahead of conflict before it escalates, 6 concrete steps to enhance negotiation and conflict resolution success.
Presenter: David Gould KC
Environmental Web
Canadian Environmental Protection Act – Legal Developments and Emerging Issues
The panel will explore recent and upcoming legal developments, including Responsible Plastic Use Coalition v. Canada, the Clean Electricity Regulations, and potential additions to the toxic substances list.
Presenters: Jennifer Fairfax & Lindsay Beck
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast
Emerging Liability Issues with New Technologies
Delve into what liability risks mean for organizations doing business in Canada.
Presenters: Samantha Delechantos & Iara Griffith
Securities Web
Crypto Enforcement Case Update
A summary and discussion of recent enforcement actions and decisions from Canadian securities regulators involving cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Presenter: Justin Dunphy & Matthew Bobawsky
Construction Law (North)
Safety Codes Inspections! A Panel Discussion on Law and Practice
This presentation will help you understand the basics of the safety codes regime, and the actual practices and issues encountered by Safety Codes Officers in urban, rural, and industrial settings.
Presenters: Chad Rich & Greg Wolf
Privacy Web
Getting Ready for AI Adoption in a Large Organization
The presentation will include information on privacy, legal considerations, risk mitigation, and practical advice for other large organizations.
Presenters: Arwin Chua & David Reese
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Young Lawyers (North), Personal Injury Law (South)
Navigating the AI Frontier: Legal Insights on Generative AI
Learn how AI is reshaping the legal landscape, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation, efficiency and the potential pitfalls and ethical considerations that come with embracing AI.
Presenter: Len Polsky K.C.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (North)
Should you Include an ADR or Arbitration Clause in your Contract? An Open Discussion
Whether or not it is a good idea to use this type of clause will likely depend on the type of contract, area of law, and issues that the contract deals with. Listen and be informed by the experience of others.
Privacy & Access Law (North)
This session is aimed at lawyers at all career stages, although young lawyers in particular will find valuable guidance as they explore privacy law as a viable and rewarding career path.
Presenters: Diane Alguire & Lorne Randa
CCCA (North)
Privacy in Transaction: From Diligence to Integration
This presentation will provide an in-depth exploration of privacy considerations throughout the lifecycle of a transaction, from the initial due diligence phase to the post-acquisition integration process and everything in between.
Presenters: Adam Laroche & Erika Romanow
Immigration Law (South)
The Future of Temporary Work in Canada
Practical tips on how to assess files to ensure that they will be processed under the new criteria. Case studies will be covered to show how they will impact your day-to-day practice.
Presenters: Gloria Moore & Catherine McAteer
Young Lawyers (North)
The Highs and Lows of Solicitor Practice
Learn about building a real estate and corporate/commercial practice and building your own solicitor practice.
Presenter: James Song
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast
Bifurcation Motions in Intellectual Property Disputes
Practical insights and strategies to enhance litigation by leveraging bifurcation to streamline IP cases, reduce costs, and gain other strategic advantages.
Presenters: Kaitlin Soye & Martin Brandsma
Construction Law (South)
Construction Law 201: Stop With the Funny Business!
The application of the equitable principles of estoppel and waiver in the construction law context and how they might apply to your next claim – or maybe even a current one!
Presenters: Andrew Wilkinson & Josh Fraese
Aboriginal Full
Reviewing Indigenous Governance Bodies
Indigenous governance bodies, their roles and responsibilities, the applicable judicial review principles, and relevant case law that informs these very timely issues.
Presenter: Dr. Janna Promislow
Insurance Law (North)
Electrical Causes of Fire Losses
The presentation provides an introduction to the fire investigation process, relevant data sources, and potential outcomes.
Presenter: Daniel Kabaroff
CBA Alberta event
Navigating Bias: Charting a Course to a Healthier Legal Workplace | On Demand
Alberta Lawyer Insight Series
Speaker: Sania Chaudhry
Administrative Law (North)
Reviews and Appeals Within the Workers' Compensation System
Presenters: Jason Bodnar & Jay Williamson
Municipal Law (North)
Enforcing Bylaws and the Bylaw Court Process
Presenter: Emily Cook-Bielech & Natasha Tymchuk
Criminal Justice (North)
Guidance on Section 24(2) of the Charter Since R v Grant
A review of the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on section 24(2) since Grant and provide a framework for analysis to guide you in your cases.
Presenter: Emma Toporowski
Family Law (South)
Post Separation Increases and Acquisitions of Property
A discussion on the case law and practical conversations you should have with your client regarding distribution of property. The Court may consider, under section 8(f), whether the property was acquired when the spouses were living separately and apart.
Presenter: Warren Jennings
Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
Hidden Gems: Uncovering Specialized Databases and Archives in the Law Library
Looking for niche topics or resources? Come hear how the Alberta Law Librarians can help you find lesser-known materials and resources for your practice.
Presenter: Rob Hudson & Angela Ashton
Natural Resources (South)
The New China Tariffs and their Implications for Canadian Business
A discussion of what’s driving tariffs of Chinese imports, the impacts on Canadian extractive and energy resource industries, the unusually compressed consultation timelines and the avenues to potential exemptions.
Presenters: Hazel Saffery, Sean Stephenson & Michael Agosti
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Best practices, common pitfalls, and tips and tricks for preparing for and concluding a successful collective bargaining.
Presenters: Rebecca Silverberg & Zachary Dietrich
Elder Law (North)
Alberta Law Reform Institute, Access to Digital Assets, Final Report 121
This presentation will provide an overview of Final Report 121 Access to Digital Assets.
Presenter: Stella Varvis
Municipal Law (South), Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
Demonstration of Lexis+ AI and how this artificial intelligence application can assist legal practitioners.
Presenter: Connie Braun
Civil Litigation (North)
Presenter: Ben Frenken
Taxation Law (North)
Tax Round-Up – August 12 Legislative Proposals Review
This session will provide a review of proposed changes which may be of particular interest to corporate income tax practitioners.
Presenter: Gordon Masson
Women Lawyers' Forum (North)
An update on key issues at the Law Society of Alberta. President Steblyk will provide information to attendees and respond to your questions.
Presenter: Deanna H. Steblyk, K.C.
Personal Injury Law (South)
Vocational Assessments in the Modern Era - Considerations & How to Prepare Your Client
Presenter: Dr. Pieter van den Berg
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
The Evolution of Third-Party Releases in Insolvency Proceedings
Presenter: Darren R. Bieganek, K.C.
CBA Alberta event
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Microsoft Copilot | On-Demand
Modern Lawyer Series
With legal tech expert Nathan Lee
Child & Youth Law (South)
Factors that Determine The Best Interest of the Child
Insights into the critical factors that courts consider.
Presenters: Justice Nicholas Devlin & Larry Fong
Child & Youth Law (North)
Psychological Assessment and Tests Utilized
This session will educate lawyers about Psychological Assessments and the various types of Psychological Tests that can be utilized.
Presenters: Dr. Valerie Massey of D-V Massey & Associates
Administrative Law (North)
A discussion of the impact of the drought on water law generally, as well as the associated administrative procedures and processes, and what to expect in the future.
Presenter: David Percy
Immigration Law (South)
Welcome (Back) To The Section And An AAIP Update
An overview of recent updates and changes to the Alberta Advantage Nominee Program.
Presenters: Karen Howley & Rowan Fisher
Wills Full
Eligibility criteria, review of the asset and income tests, brief summary of financial and medical benefits of the program, exempt categories and rules regarding the treatment of income from various sources, including trusts.
Presenters: Liesha Adediran
Aboriginal Law (South)
Specific Claims - Overview and Updates
Specific Claims Policy, including a review the history behind the policy, its development and evolution over the decades since its inception, and recent trends in Specific Claims, including updates on claims before the Specific Claims Tribunal.
Presenter: Neil Reddekopp
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
How Proper Processes Can Make You More Money
Presenters: Melanie Seneviratne, LLB
Business Law (South)
Insolvency and Restructuring Early Warning Signs and Recent Trends
Presenters: Jeffrey Oliver & Vanessa Allen
Immigration Law (North)
Malpractice in the Practice of Immigration Law: Insights from a Professional Negligence Lawyer
An overview of the substantive requirements to establish a claim of negligence and examples of common errors by immigration practitioners that may give rise to liability.
Presenter: Eoin Logan
Insurance Law (South)
“That’s not Covered!”: Insuring Inten
Join Professor Erik Knutsen of the Queen's University Faculty of Law for a new perspective on how to reconcile and apply these complex concepts to even the most challenging coverage questions.
Presenters: Erik S. Knutsen & Chris Hinchcliffe
Real Property Law - Residential (South)
Shariah-compliant Financings/Halal Mortgages
Presenters: Dr. Mohamad Sawwaf
Wills Full
Aging in Place vs. Downsizing: Making an Informed Decision
A Discussion on benefits and challenges of aging in place safely and comfortably or downsizing to a new residence including the importance of planning, health and lifestyle preferences, design options and financial considerations.
Presenter: Lisa Kluthe
Commercial Property & Leasing (North)
Commercial Leasing - Special Terms
A mock negotiation focusing on special lease terms and tenant inducement clauses.
Presenters: Sharon Ohayon & Jenna Weinkauf
Family Law (South)
Determination of Income Issues
A panel discussion on how to determine income for corporate shareholders properly and what are the roles of the expert, the court and the lawyer in navigating through s. 17 and s. 18 of the federal child support guidelines.
Presenters: Rick Trischuk & Lauren Turnquist
Construction Law (South)
Construction Law 101: Builders' Liens and How to Not Get Sued When Registering Them
The nuances of registering builders’ liens in Alberta, lien implications of the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act, and best practices to avoid getting sued.
Presenters: Anthony Burden & Grant Szelewicki
Family Law (North)
The Child’s Voice in Parenting Disputes: Practical and Ethical Considerations
We are legally and ethically obligated to consider the views and experiences of children in parenting disputes. Join us for a discussion on when and how we practically bring in children’s voices to Family disputes.
Presenters: Dr. Koreen Martfeld, Dr. Anne Daines, Hilda Huj, Wendy Jebb, Jennifer Taylor, Suzanne Williams
Health Law (South)
Joint Medical-legal Approaches to Advance Care Planning: Fertile or Futile?
Explore how advance care planning commonly breaks down in the hospital setting, and lead a discussion on potential solutions. Do recently-developed joint medical-legal approaches and resources have merit? Provide your insights and help us strengthen legal and medical practices!
Presenters: Eleanor Stewart, John Stachniak & Sheila Killoran
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Navigating Complex Terminations
Key topics covered include; the duty to accommodate, frustration of contract, managing benefits on termination, working notice vs. payment in lieu, without cause vs. just cause, and managing the termination process generally.
Presenters: Dylan Snowdon & Stephen Torscher
Young Lawyers (North)
Get equipped with practical strategies and insights to confidently navigate chambers proceedings.
Presenter: Liam Kelly
Environmental Web
A Made-in-Alberta Failure: Unfunded Oil and Gas Closure Liability Developments in 2024
Drew Yewchuk and Shaun Fluker will discuss Alberta's implementation of the 2020 Liability Management Framework, based on their 2023 publication (with Martin Olszynski) with updates on the legal and policy developments during 2024.
Presenters: Shaun Fluker & Drew Yewchuk
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
Annual Extended Caselaw Review with Legislation Update and Commercial List Practice Note update
Presenter: Andrea Steen & Bren Cargill
Alternative Dispute Resolution (South)
Arbitral Appeals: Do You Really Want That? If So, How Best To Do That
Mr. Duguid will discuss whether parties should agree to eliminate the right to appeal arbitral awards and, if that is desired, how to accomplish that. If an arbitral appeal is desirable, Mr. Duguid will discuss the best path forward.
Presenter: Brian Duguid KC
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Civil Litigation & Construction Law | North Video
Adjudication - What We Know So Far
Presenters: Adrianna Worman
Privacy & Access Law (North)
Privacy and Access to Information Case Law Update
Presenters: Steve Hughes & James Work
Immigration Law (South)
S. 44 Procedural Fairness Letters and Inadmissibility
Advice and guidance on best practices for responding to s.44 procedural fairness letters involving serious criminality.
Presenter: Michael Greene, K.C.
Civil Litigation (South)
Case Law Roundup: Interesting Recent Cases and Key Takeaways
An insightful look into this year’s key cases to date of interest to civil litigators in the province.
Presenters: Daniel Stethem, Robert Bilak, Yomi Owoyomi, Alex Ogilvie & Melanie Cheddi
Business Law (North)
The presentation will focus on the factors to consider, tips and good practices when drafting enforceable restrictive covenants.
Presenters: C. Vincent Kurata & Olivia Wang
Business Law (South)
Recent Judicial Decisions of Interest to Energy Lawyers
The presenters will review cases dealing with arbitration, Indigenous law, environmental law, bankruptcy and insolvency, contracts, and corporate law, including plans of arrangement, royalties, taxes, employment and others. Several themes emerge, including the increasing focus on environmental priorities and the expansion of director and corporate responsibility.
Presenters: Jakub Maslowski & Archer Bell
Insurance Law (South)
Insight into Review Officer Assessments
Discussion with expertise in assessing the appropriate costs following the resolution of a litigated matter.
Presenter: Mike Ellery
Municipal Law (North)
Join former Edmonton SDAB Chair and past counsel on projects that have attracted significant public interest for a discussion of controversial municipal issues.
Presenter: Ian Wachowicz
Wills Full
ALRI's Final Recommendations for the Creation, Alteration and Revocation of Electronic Wills
A summary of ALRI's recommendations governing the creation, alteration, and revocation of electronic wills.
Presenter: Katherine MacKenzie
Criminal Justice (South)
Supreme Court of Canada – Year in Review
Presenters: Joanne Dartana K.C., Michael Bates, K.C. & Matthew Greiner
Wills Full
Year-end Roundup - Caselaw Update & Legislative Review
Presenters: Peter Tomic & Eleanor Carlson
Taxation Law (North)
This presentation will review recent decisions from the Tax Court of Canada and the Federal Court of Appeal dealing with the application of the general anti-avoidance rule (“GAAR”).
Presenters: Daniel Downie
Health Law (South)
Year-End Case Law Update & Social Reception
An overview of the important cases relevant to injury, insurance, and health law-related matters.
Presenter: Craig Gillespie
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
Civil Forfeiture Proceedings Frequently Involve Secured Creditors
This presentation will review the civil forfeiture process, explain the way creditors’ interests are normally dealt with, and provide tips for ensuring creditors’ interests are protected in civil forfeiture proceedings.
Presenter: James Mallet
Aboriginal Full
Recognition of Indigenous Governments by the Crown: Does the Duty to Consult Apply
A discussion surrounding the importance of Crown recognition of Metis Governments through agreements and the vigorous responses to Bill C-53: Recognition of Certain Metis Governments in Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan and Metis Self Government Act.
Presenters: Keltie Lambert & Justine Mageau
Elder Law (North)
Presenters: Donalda Weaver, Ashley Miekle, Susan Rawlings, Jennifer Locke, Sania Chaudhry, Opeyemi Bello, Michelle Karasinki
Environmental Web
Alberta Utilities Commission's Hydrogen Inquiry Report
Join us for an overview of the Alberta Utilities Commission’s hydrogen inquiry which focused on hydrogen blending into natural gas distribution system.
Presenter: Rob Watson
Aboriginal Law (South)
Treatment of UNDRIP and UNDRIP Implementation Legislation
Presenter: Nigel Bankes
CBA Alberta event
Constitutional Law in Divided Times
Alberta Lawyer Insight Series
Speaker: Eric M. Adams
Alternative Dispute Resolution (North)
Straight Talk About The State of Mediation Practice – An Improved Path Forward for All
We will discuss issues and considerations that rarely see the light of day in presentations such as this. The discussion will be relevant to mediation of disputes in a wide cross-section of areas – commercial, personal injury, insurance, construction, professional negligence, family, amongst others.
Presenter: Ivan Derer, K.C.
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Tips for non-Labour Relations Code matters handled by the Board such as employment standards and occupational health and safety appeals.
Presenter: Gordon Nekolaichuk
Privacy & Access Law (North)
Abusive, Frivolous or Vexatious FOIP Applicants - Tips and Strategies
A discussion of cases and orders that consider when a FOIP applicant’s access request can be disregarded, and when a litigant’s application related to a FOIP access request will be determined to be frivolous, vexatious or abusive.
Presenters: Diane Alguire & Mary Golab
CBA Alberta event
Document Management – Summiting the Mountain | Video
Modern Lawyer Series
With legal tech expert Nathan Lee
Natural Resources (South)
This session will discuss recent electricity and renewables policy changes in Alberta.
Presenter: Robert Nearing
Immigration Law (South)
Immigration Appeal Division – Tips and Tricks
This presentation will review dealing with matters before the Immigration Appeal Division from managing deadlines, filing notices of appeal, and preparation of the record.
Presenter: Ruth Williams
Criminal Justice (North)
The Mens Rea for Sexual Assault
“The Mens Rea for Sexual Assault: How Jury Instructions Are Getting it Wrong” (2019) Man LJ 39. Mr. Alexander will present on his paper and comment on the subsequent jurisprudence.
Presenters: Paul M. Alexande
Wills Full
Cemetery and Funeral: Pre-Arrangements and Continuing Care
An insightful inside look into the funeral and cemetery arrangement process.
Presenter: Onika Eccles-Browne
Family Law (South)
Life Insurance Policies in Family Law
Practical tips for drafting Separation Agreements, which include life insurance policies to secure support obligations.
Presenters: Tatenda Mawoyo, Pat Johnston & Karin Webster
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
Large Legal Fictions: Profiling Legal Hallucinations in Large Language Models
Matthew will discuss his paper titled "Large Legal Fictions: Profiling Legal Hallucinations in Large Language Models," which was referenced in a recent BCSC decision.
Presenter: Matthew Dahl
Administrative Law (North)
Judicial Review of Interlocutory Decision
Presenters: Dan Collins, Andrea Simmonds, Matt Woodley
Insurance Law (South)
Understanding the relationship between coverage and defence, and understanding how what's happening on the other side might affect your work, is key to providing effective counsel to the insurer, the policyholder or, on the defence side, providing an effective defence that protects the policyholder, the insurer and you.
Presenters: Marcus Snowden, Pearl Rombis & Christine Viney
Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Law - Residential (South)
Select Canadian Income Tax Topics Related to Residential Real Estate
Presenter: Colin Bartlett & Delani Thiel
Immigration Law (North)
IRCC’s latest requirements, tips on how to file a successful application from start to finish and what to avoid/include in an application. Discussion will also include PGWP’s, responding to fairness letters, and next steps when application is rejected.
Presenters: Lou Janssen Dangzalan & Carmelo Ramos
Civil Litigation (South)
Rapid-Fire Tips to Capitalize on the Benefits of Arbitration
The panelists give practical pointers for each stage of the arbitral process, starting with the arbitration agreement, pre-hearing steps, evidence and the hearing itself.
Presenters: Peter Banks, Mary E. Comeau & Bryan C. Duguid K.C.
Civil Litigation (North)
Understanding the New Streamlined Trial Process
Kelly Osaka and Kalen Lumsden will be discussing the new streamlined trial process under the Rules including details behind the amendments to the Rules, an explanation of the process, and its relation to the existing modes of trial.
Presenters: Kelly Osaka & Kalen Lumsden
Young Lawyers (North)
Social Media and the Practice of Law
A discussion on the do's and don'ts of social media as a powerful tool for networking, branding, and building a professional reputation.
Presenter: Roberto Noce, KC
Construction Law (South)
My So-Called Life as an Adjudicator: Alberta Prompt Payment in Practice
Current adjudication statistics, proposed legislative changes, and their thoughts, comments, and tips on how to successfully navigate adjudication under the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act.
Presenters: Michael Hokanson K.C. & Adrianna Worman
CBA Alberta event
CBA Alberta Section Executive Spring Workshop | Provincial Video
CBA Alberta Section Executive Spring Workshop
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North)
So it turns out your neighbour doesn’t have priority over your mortgage
The decision of Qualex-Landmark Towers Inc v 12-10 Capital Corp., 2024 ABCA 115, lets go through the decision and what it means in our day to day practices.
Presenter: Bren Cargill
Family Law (North)
Alberta now has precedent confirming that corporate separateness and the “corporate veil” will not always act as a protection against personal liability or property division, particularly in matrimonial or family property files, depending on the facts of the business and the dispute.
Presenter: Megan L. Dawson
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Learnings from Breen v. Foremost Industries Ltd.
Presenter: Tom Ross, K.C.
Insurance Law (North)
Folklore versus Evermore: Discussing Myths and Truths of the SEF 44 Endorsement
Discussion of the background and basics of the SEF 44, as well as provides insight into how the courts have addressed issues relating to the SEF 44 in recent years.
Presenter: Leslie Paetz, K.C.
CBA Alberta event
Lawyering Well: How to survive and thrive in law by working smarter not harder On-Demand
Alberta Lawyer Insight Series
Speaker: Amy Binder
Commercial Property & Leasing (North)
Case Law Update- Commercial Real Estate & Leasing
Presenter: Jenna Weinkauf
Elder Law (North)
Cross-National Update on Elder Law Legislation
A cross-national update on elder law legislation and current issues. Updates will include MAiD, Bill C-295 (institutional elder abuse), New Brunswick’s new Supported Decision-Making and Representation Act, and Ontario legislative amendments
Presenter: Sara Pon
Environmental Web
Litigation and Carbon Market Presentation with Disclosure Risk Covered
This presentation will provide an overview of carbon markets, explore the risks associated with climate litigation and greenwashing in the context of broader legislative and regulatory oversight, and discuss the role of climate- and nature-related corporate disclosures in Canada.
Presenter: Lisa (Elisabeth) DeMarco
Women Lawyers' Forum (North)
Come hear about interesting career opportunities and find out how to work outside the box in law.
Presenters: Christine R. DeWitt, Keely Brown, Sandra Petersson, Stephanie Wanke
Constitutional & Human Rights Law (North)
Presenter: Leah McDaniel
Personal Injury Law (South)
From case management services to expert reports.
Presenters: Chris McCully & Jennifer Gokiert
Charities Law (Provincial), Real Property Law - Commercial (South)
GST in Real Estate Transactions for Charities & Non-Profit Organizations
Presenter: Colleen Ma
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
Presenter: Dr. Anna Lund
Aboriginal Full, Administrative Law (North)
The Duty to Consult and Accommodate Indigenous Peoples as Administrative Law
The duty to consult and accommodate, its place in administrative law and judicial review, and how it relates to other grounds of judicial review.
Presenter: Dr. Janna Promislow
Wills Full
This session will look at the succession process through the lens of families.
Presenter: Cindy Radu
Privacy Web
Changes to the CCPA & Best Practices for Third-Party Contracts
We’ll look at some of the changes with CPPA and best practices for third-party contracts.
Presenters: Kelly Osaka & Danielle Dudelzak
Privacy & Access Law (North)
A Dialogue with Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner Diane McLeod
Commissioner McLeod will provide an update on initiatives of the OIPC and key recent decisions speak and matters before her office.
Presenters: Leanne Salel, Nji Lionel Nji, & Christina Gauk
Child & Youth Law (North)
Parenting Coordination & Inclusion of the Child's Perspective
The Parenting Coordination process will be discussed, along with options for considering the child’s perspective during the process.
Presenters: Dr. Gregory F. Pickering & Riley Gallant
CBA Alberta event
Modern Lawyer Series
With legal tech expert Nathan Lee
Child & Youth Law (South)
Client Capacity to Give Instructions in Child Welfare, Both Children and Adults
Prof. Bala will discuss the challenging professional nature of the role of counsel in child welfare cases, with a focus on the issues of client capacity to instruct counsel in child welfare cases, considering both adult parents and children, and possible responses to cases where clients lack capacity.
Presenter: Nicholas Bala
CCCA (North)
Gen AI for In-House Legal: An Overview and Evaluation Guide
This presentation focuses on practical guidance aimed at bringing legal teams up to speed and assisting them to assess tools effectively, including essential considerations for security and key questions to ensure alignment with organizational requirements and goals.
Presenter: Nolan Hurlburt
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast
Navigating Patent Strategies in the Oil and Gas Industry
Common issues related to patents in the oil and gas sector, and provide tips on what companies can do to both proactively and reactively address these issues. Patent infringement valuation will also be explained to assist companies in assessing the financial consequences of engaging in patent litigation.
Presenters: Chelsea Nimmo & Brian Daley
Foreclosure Law (South)
Business Law (North)
GST/HST Risks for Business Transactions
How to identify GST/HST risks of common business transactions such as mergers & acquisitions, intercompany transfers, partnerships, transactions made on behalf of a principal by an agent, and real property. It will also address “special rules” that impact “public service bodies” under the Excise Tax Act such as charities, non-profit organizations, and municipalities.
Presenter: Nathan Sheppard
Construction Law (North)
The Standard of Care and Liability of Design Professionals
Explore the potential professional liability that may arise from each of these seemingly distinct tasks under the Alberta Safety Codes Act, which regulates the building code, and the Alberta Contributory Negligence Act. Representative cases will be put forward for analysis and discussion.
Presenter: Dr. Yasser Korany
Immigration Law (North)
The Intersection of Criminal Law and Immigration Law
It is critically important for both immigration and criminal lawyers to understand the interplay, as each area and its legislative provisions can significantly affect the other.
Presenter: Simon Trela
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
Fraud and Situational Awareness Training for Small Law Firms from the Calgary Police Service
Presenters: Michelle Jansen
Insurance Law (South)
The Role of Physiotherapy in Personal Injury and Insurance Files
Review the essentials of interpreting these reports and provide insights into advanced physiotherapy practices and their role in insurance files
Presenter: Christian Boivin
Municipal Law (North)
This session will focus on the statutory and soft-power relationships between various entities involved in police governance and accountability.
Presenter: Jeffrey Westman
Business Law (North), CCCA (North)
Contract Law Update: Developments of Note
Presenter: Lisa Peters K.C.
Wills Full
Tips and traps with respect to Surrogate Court applications, including comments with respect to SDS, common errors, and recommended considerations for unique applications.
Presenter: Justice John S. Little
Family Law (South)
A panel series with a wide range of family law topics, including Parent and Child Consultant roles, Surrogacy Law, Relocation, Appeals of Arbitration Awards, and International Family Mediation.
Presenters: Dr. Susan Clark, Terra Taylor, Jennifer Miller, Alex MacNabb, Crystal Thompson & Max Blitt
Civil Litigation (South)
Advocacy Pointers from the Bench and Bar - The Keys to Success in Applications and other Appearances
Discussions regarding what judges expect to see during submissions, tips on improving the quality of written and oral submissions, and the Court’s and senior counsel’s perspectives on what makes a good advocate and their experiences developing advocacy skills.
Presenters: Justice Johanna Price, Patricia Morrison K.C. & Justice April Grosse
Young Lawyers (North)
Working With Your Assistant - the Do's and Don'ts!
A successful lawyer/legal assistant team sharing tips and tricks on how to effectively manage this important facet of your practice.
Presenters: Jatin Shory & Danielle Louise De Guzman
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North)
Rock-hosted Mineral Resource Development: The New Regulatory Framework
This presentation will provide an introduction to the new regulatory framework for rock-hosted mineral resources throughout their lifecycle – from exploration, through mine development and operation, to closure and reclamation.
Presenter: Alana Hall
Family Law (North)
Meeting ADR Requirements: Collaborative Family Law Mythbusters
Get a better understanding of Collaborative Family Law as a court approved option for dispute resolution. What makes Collaborative law different from a standard 4-way meeting? What do interest-based negotiations actually look like? How can experts be used as members of the dispute resolution team?
Presenters: Lesley Kroeker, Kristina Ingram, and Vince Gervais
Health Law (South)
"Inference of Causation” or … Common Sense? What do trial judges really care about?
Presenter: Maia Tomljanovic
Elder Web
Sell, HELOC, or CHIP, which is right for you?
The discussion revolves around the concepts of financing for seniors and other clients; understanding what will be best for the client at that point in time is key to helping the client make an optimal choice with their decision making process.
Presenter: Tony Piattelli
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Recent Developments for Damages in the Human Rights Context
An in-depth overview of damages in the Human Rights context, including a discussion of recent developments and trends.
Presenter: Sanjana Ahmed
Natural Resources (South)
A Roundup of Electricity and Renewables Policy Changes for Alberta
This session will discuss recent electricity and renewables policy changes in Alberta.
Presenter: Jessica Kennedy
Wills Full
Family Maintenance and Support Claims
Family Maintenance and Support in Alberta: Factors to consider when bringing or defending a claim.
Gary Kirk
Civil Litigation (North)
Navigating Ethical and Practice Minefields for Litigators
From conflicts of interest to concerns arising from using AI, from the delicate balance between resolute advocacy and professional integrity to the evolving landscape of technology's impact on ethics, this session will equip you with the tools and insights necessary to navigate these ethical minefields with confidence and poise.
Presenter: Elizabeth Aspinall
Young Lawyers (North)
Alternatives to Private Practice
Explore career paths outside of private practice and discuss the challenges and benefits.
Presenters: Stephanie Wanke & Anna Turcza-Karhut
Charities Law (Provincial)
We will discuss the various forms of DAFs from those found in community foundations to financial services institutions to private foundations and some of the issues that arise in each of these kinds of charities.
Presenter: Kathy Hawkesworth
Foreclosure Law (South)
Condominiums and the Foreclosure Process
A discussion of various topics such as the priority of condominium fees and the condominium foreclosure process.
Presenter: Stephanie Whyte
Constitutional & Human Rights Law (North)
Professor Penney will examine the scope of protection of IP addresses under section 8 of the Charter after the Supreme Court's decision in Bykovets, including the impact of the decision on child exploitation investigations, the obligations of service providers, and possible legislative reforms.
Presenter: Steven Penney
Women Lawyers' Forum (North)
Empowered Voices: Leading the Conversation on Allyship, Self-Advocacy, and Equity
How to have hard conversations, and invite others into kindness and civility to promote equality, representation, and diversity in the profession and in our personal lives.
Presenters: Sania Chaudry, Melissa Luhtanan, Kathryn Oviatt
Personal Injury Law (South)
Hear what works and what doesn’t from the perspective of the mediator in terms of what to do – and what not to do as mediator.
Presenter: David Kitchen K.C.
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
A Discussion on when creditors can rely upon the oppression remedy, what types of corporate conduct constitute oppression and what remedies may be available for creditors.
Presenters: Edward Feehan, K.C.
Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Law - Residential (South)
Presenters: Mike Hrabok
Alternative Dispute Resolution (South)
What Works and Doesn't Work with Arbitrators
This session will cover the practical considerations in an arbitration, ranging from the first procedural conference to whether parties should have written or oral arguments and many more topics.
Presenter: Jack Marshall, K.C.
Construction Law (South)
What the PF?? Making Sense of the Numbers in a Delay and Disruption Claim
Presenters: Scott J. Hammel K.C. & Cory R. Milburn
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North)
Mainstreaming Climate Adaptation in the Context of Alberta's Infrastructure Landscape
This presentation will seek to mainstream climate adaptation in the context of Alberta's infrastructure landscape. The talk will explore what climate adaptation is and what it should be, and how the adaptation debate fits within the broader climate litigation and dispute risks landscape.
Presenter: Rudiger Tscherning
Health Law (South)
Catastrophic Injuries: Building Your Damages Case
Strategies and considerations in building a strong damages case when plaintiffs experience catastrophic injuries.
Presenters: Vanessa Fiorillo & Iman Jomha
Civil Litigation (South)
AI and the Practice of Law – What Litigators Should Know
Presenters: Darryl Ruether & Faith Majekolagbe
Insolvency Law (South)
Qualex-Landmark Towers Inc v 12-1- Capital Corp, 2023 ABKB 109
Insolvency law and the extension of the protective umbrella for costs associated with environmental reclamation obligations!
Presenters: Robyn Gurofsky & Jassmine Girgis
Construction Law (North)
Building Envelopes and Roofing Assemblies
A summary of building envelope components, specifically roofing assemblies, including materials utilized, applicable codes, standards and typical construction practices. We’ll illustrate various roofing systems and explore some typical damage / case studies.
Presenters: Carla Ladner & Jason Edelstein
Privacy Web
Privacy Issues as They Come up in Family Law Proceedings
Family law is an area of practice that touches many issues that come up that include privacy concerns such as FOIP, reports to Child and Family Services, Claire’s Law, some isssues surrounding disclosure with mental health (specifically medical records), and disclosure from criminal proceedings.
Presenters: Sadaf Raja & Lisa D'Haese
Privacy Web
Privacy Issues as They Come up in Family Law Proceedings
Presenters: Sadaf Raja & Lisa D'Haese
Young Lawyers (North)
So You’ve Been Sued: ALIA Process When People Complain
Presenters: Colleen Bonnyman
Business Law (South)
Overview of Standard Clauses in a Unanimous Shareholder Agreement (USA)
Presenter: Lindsay Amantea
Administrative Law (North)
Important Regulatory Investigation Cases of 2023-2024
Key topics will include: what disclosure requirements exist at the investigation stage of disciplinary proceedings; if a regulated member can challenge an investigation prior to the conclusion of a hearing; the duty to cooperate; factors in unfair or adequate investigations; challenging witness summons and information requests by judicial review and level of fairness owed.
Presenter: Jason Kully
Insurance Law (South)
Lessons learned at their 3-week trial, the admissibility and use of social media at trial, and the importance of such evidence to a defence in a personal injury action.
Presenters: Nabeel Peermohamed & Michael Thorne
CBA Alberta event
Cybersecurity - Robust or Bust
Part 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity
Modern Lawyer Series
With legal tech expert Nathan Lee
Articling Students Web
Legal Research: How to Research and What Assigning Lawyers Look For
Presenters: Stacy Petriuk & David Pope
Municipal Law (North)
Representing Municipalities in Court: Views from the Bench
Presenter: Justice G.R. Fraser
Immigration Law (North)
Intersection Between Family Law and Immigration Law
Presenters: Megan L Dawson
Wills Full
What does the lawyer need to know about beneficiary designations in the alphabet soup of tax-favoured accounts?
Presenter: Jason Watt
Criminal Justice (North)
Criminal Practice in the World of Generative AI
This session will provide an introduction and exploration into the uses of Generative AI in the context of a criminal legal practice. In the last few years, programs like ChatGPT and other similar large-language models have entered the public discourse, particularly in the legal field.
Presenter: Chris Samuel
Labour & Employment Law (South)
ACJ: Summary Judgment, Punitive & Aggravated Damages, and Tips for Advocates in Wrongful Dismissal
Trends in Alberta Court of Justice summary judgment proceedings, trends in Alberta Court of Justice aggravated damages and punitive damages, as well as offer tips for plaintiffs and defendants in Alberta Court of Justice wrongful dismissal cases.
Presenters: Assistant Chief Justice D.B. Higa
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast
Discover how the strategic involvement of legal counsel is not just beneficial but essential in managing cyber risk. Learn about the latest shifts in cyber liability insurance underwriting, the prudent adoption of AI technologies, simplifying regulatory compliance, and the intricacies of risk transfer in outsourcing and managed service agreements.
Presenter: Devon Smibert
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
Office Space: The Lay of the Land and Local Trends in Commercial Real Estate for Small Law Firms
Presenters: Alexi Olcheski
Administrative Law (South)
Forecasting Precedent: Key Canadian Administrative Law Cases of 2024
The latest and likely the most precedent-setting cases that will cause ripples in Canadian administrative law in 2024. Understand how these decisions may affect the legal landscape and your practice.
Presenter: Justin Safayeni
Family Law (North)
The Intersection of School Issues and Family Law
Presenters: Carole Karbonik, K.C. & Grace Garcia Cooke
CBA Alberta event
AGM Keynote: Business in Alberta
An Alberta Lawyer Insight Series webinar
with Deborah Yedlin, President & CEO of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce
Civil Litigation (North)
Invaluable insights, best practices, and strategies for achieving optimal outcomes in mediations.
Presenter: The Hon. Adam W. Germain, K.C.
Young Lawyers (North)
The journey of an associate to a (managing) partner to branching out into her own law firm. Learn how to grow as a lawyer in a healthy way.
Presenters: Patti Macdonald
Criminal Justice (South)
The Unclear Picture of Social Media Evidence
Presenter: Justice Lisa Silver
Personal Web, Personal Injury On Demand, Personal Web, Personal Injury Law (South), Personal On Demand
Loss of Income Considerations Unique to Injured Professionals
Delving into what expert economists and forensic accountants do best, sussing out the intricacies and nuances that come when assessing income loss claims for clients who run professional practices.
Presenter: Dean Das
Women Lawyers' Forum (North)
Navigating Your Career Next Steps
Join us for a practical and reflective discussion to inspire your career course forward, considering the planned and unexpected.
Presenters: Sheizana Murji
Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), Family Law (South)
Peacemakers Model of Team Collaboration and Client Engagement
Presenters: Dr. Tina Sinclair & Leslie Forward
Aboriginal Full
The Bill C-92 Reference Decision: Implications for Practitioners
A panel discussion with two practitioners that will analyze the decision and provide their insight about the importance of the decision and how lawyers will be able to use this decision to advance the interests of their First Nation clients.
Presenter: Janet Hutchison, Evan Duffy
Commercial Property & Leasing (North), Municipal Law (South), Real Property Law - Residential (South)
Panel discussion - Court of Appeal case of Howse v Calgary (City), 2023 ABCA 379
The law of restrictive covenants and their impact on development; the municipal Council’s ability to regulate land use despite restrictive covenants, and where the law might go next.
Presenters: Neil Barss, Henry Chan, Jeff Wreschner & Samantha Stokes
Child & Youth Law (South)
Accelerating Legal Process with Forensic Psychiatry for Youth
Options and approaches to assist litigants, lawyers and Courts when Family Law matters intersect with childhood mental health challenges.
Presenter: Dr. Tyler Pirlot, MD, Psychiatrist
Commercial Property & Leasing (North)
A high-level overview of expropriation proceedings, and discuss de facto expropriation, remedies, compensation for affected owners and tenants, and tips for drafting clauses in purchase agreements and leases that address expropriation matters.
Presenter: Kim Wakefield, K.C.
Environmental Web
Changing Regulatory Landscape for Renewable Development in Alberta
From the Alberta Utilities Commission’s renewable approvals pause to the Government of Alberta’s ongoing consultation on Transmission Policy, we will explore the key initiatives affecting the regulatory landscape for renewable development in Alberta.
Presenter:Larissa Lees
Taxation Law (North)
Purchase/Sale of a Business: An Update on Intergenerational Transfers and Other Topical Items
Presenters: Justin Di Liello
Immigration Law (South)
Immigrating to Alberta as an Entrepreneur
How to work with businesses and best practices for working with their organizations as an entrepreneur, and tips and experiences as immigration practitioners under the Start-Up Visa, Global Talent Stream, and Intra-Company Transfer categories.
Presenters: Emily Lukaweski, Ryan Kresevic, Sharmin Surani & Catherine McAteer
Civil Litigation (North)
Understanding the New Streamlined Trial Process
The discussion will include details of the context behind the recent amendments to the Rules, an explanation of the streamlined trial process and its relation to the existing modes of trial, and will discuss how disputes over mode of trial are to be resolved.
Presenter: Kelly Osaka
Business Law (North)
Advising Clients on Business Expansion from Canada to the US
This presentation will highlight differences in Canadian and US corporate structures, the tipping point for taxation in the US, and common pitfalls in corporate structuring that arise when advice is only obtained on one side of the border.
Presenters: Rob Worthington & Saul Abrams
Civil Litigation (North)
Practical guidance and tips for lawyers regarding retainer agreements, reviews of accounts, and some thoughts about cost assessments as well.
Presenter: Mr. Dennis Pawlowski
Construction Law (North)
Document Management and Production Issues in Construction Arbitration/Litigation
A discussion about best practices, getting ahead of issues with large document sets, and use of AI and contract reviewer assistance. Simon Elzen-Hoskyn has developed a specialty in e-discovery technology and strategic document review/production systems, making him ideal counsel for disputes involving exchange of large-scale data sets.
Presenter: Simon Elzen-Hoskyn
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Human Rights Law in Alberta after Horrocks
Unionized employees in Manitoba were barred from pursuing claims at the Manitoba Human Rights Tribunal, as such claims fell under a labour arbitrator’s jurisdiction. Since then, courts and adjudicators in other provinces have been considering whether and under what circumstances statutory tribunals and arbitrators have concurrent jurisdiction over human rights in unionized workplaces.
Presenter: Joël M. Michaud
Privacy Web
The Intersection of Privacy and Employment Law in 2024 Alberta
This session offers a high-level review of key concepts in Canadian private-sector privacy law, with a focus on Alberta legislation, and how these core principles interact with today’s workplace issues and employment law in 2024.
Presenter: Hayley Rushford
Administrative Law (South)
Navigating Bias and Transparency in AI-Driven Administrative Decisions
The presentation will examine recent Canadian cases that have navigated the complex interplay of AI in administrative decision-making processes and the broader implications of these cases on future litigation.
Presenter: Gideon Christian PhD
CCCA (South)
Canadian Privacy and Data Law Year in Review
A review of the cases, decisions, and trends that shaped Canadian privacy and data law in 2023, and what they mean for today’s in-house counsel.
Presenters: Adam LaRoche & Erika Romanow
Child & Youth Law (North)
Secure Services and Confinement Orders
A discussion on secure services under the Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act and confinement orders under the Protection of Sexually Exploited Children Act.
Presenters: Cindy Turner & Justice Linton
Insurance Law (South)
Commercial General Liability Policies and the ‘Your Work’ Exclusion: Coverage Considerations
Commercial General Liability policies are often considered in the scope of insurance and construction litigation.
Presenter: Noah Hodgson
Municipal Law (North)
Section 619 of the Municipal Government Act and the intersection of Provincial Approvals.
Presenter: Gwendolyn Stewart-Palmer K.C.
Immigration Law (North)
Presenters: Mandeep Randhawa, Neha Channan, Josée Heaps
Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
New Features CanLII Has to Offer: Live Demonstration
CanLII has recently rolled out new features that will make legal research more efficient and effective.
Presenter: Brenda Alm
Real Property Web R North
Tips and Tricks to Avoid Getting Sued: From Your Friendly Foreclosure Lawyer
What a foreclosure lawyer has commonly encountered where real estate lawyers have made mistakes, and what these lawyers can do to prevent these mistakes from being made, ultimately avoiding being sued for negligence.
Presenter: Andrea L. Willey
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
Top Audit Findings and Best Practices
Presenters: Mina Baeg & Julia Langdon
Administrative Law (North)
Populism, the Rule of Law and Constitutional Conventions
Presenter: William Shores, K.C.
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
How To Get Your Life Back… and still grow a thriving business
Presenters: Brent Haydey
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Five Recent Workplace Investigation Cases You Need to Know About
An interactive session with our members, in which recent case law involving workplace investigations and related issues will be discussed
Presenter: Janice Rubin
Young Lawyers (North)
Effectively Working with Other Counsel
Best practices for navigating positive and productive relationships with counsel on the other side of a file.
Presenters: Francis Taman & Kerry Lynn Okita
Construction Law (South)
Negotiation Nightmares: Real-Time Solutions to the Latest Contracting Quandaries
This session will explore some of the most significant recent changes to the negotiating terrain in Alberta and review how owners and contractors can seek to protect their interests while still working toward a successfully finalized contract.
Presenters: Peter Vetsch & Bill Woodhead
Charities Law (Provincial)
Now that it has been finalized we can talk with more certainty about what organizations should do, whether it be a gift to a registered charity or a grant to a non-qualified donee, and how the agreements have to be different.
Presenters: Yvonne Chenier & Kathy Hawkesworth
Young Lawyers (North)
Successful oral advocacy for young barristers and what to do when you are actually on your feet in Court.
Presenter: Judge L.A. Mattis
CBA Alberta event
A Conversation With Mickey Amery, Alberta Minister Of Justice| Video
An Alberta Lawyer Insight Series webinar
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North)
Youth and climate change – Mathur v Ontario
Seven Ontario youth are seeking orders relating to that province’s target and plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, on the basis that the plan infringes constitutional rights (including Charter ss 7, 15) of youth and future generations.
Presenter: Danielle Gallant, Ecojustice
Family Law (North)
Sexual Abuse Allegations and Disclosures in Family Law Matters
A discussion regarding options and approaches when a child discloses or a parent alleges sexual abuse in a family law matter, including EPOs.
Presenters: Justice Loparco & Justice Yungwirth
Elder Web
The Alberta Heart and Stroke Foundation, will share their educational initiatives within schools and provide essential updates on public knowledge in this field.
Presenters: Derek Newman, Kendall Saravanamutto, Sarah Bollozos, Susan Deike, Heather Evans
Health Law (South)
Challenges with Med Mal Experts: Locality Rule, Qualifying Experts, and Cross Border Experts
A refresher on the general rules for expert evidence and discuss specific issues that may arise in your cases.
Presenter: Michael McVey
Alternative Dispute Resolution (North)
ADR Processes in Large Commercial Matters
This session will cover the practical considerations in an arbitration, ranging from the first procedural conference to whether parties should have written or oral arguments and many more topics.
Presenter: Jim McCartney
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
Extended Foreclosure and Insolvency Caselaw Review Update
Presenter: Bren Cargill & Andrea Steen
Insurance Law (North)
A view from the Bench: Summary Applications
Presenter: Application Judge L.Birkett, Court of King’s Bench of Alberta
CBA Alberta event
An Access to Justice Week webinar
Presenters: Pro Bono Law Alberta, Edward Furs, Judith Hanebury & Tiana Knight
Child & Youth Law (South)
Hearing the Child’s Voice in the Courtroom: Judges meeting with children
Exploring and discussing a new structured/nonevaluative process that allows for children to meet with judges within family law proceedings. And how the process could be adopted within our current court processes.
Presenters: Justice Catherine Regier, Dr. Lorri Yasenik & Jon Graham
Elder Law (North)
Its About Living: Promoting Advance Care Planning
1. What is the current understanding of optimal advance care planning, and how can lawyers facilitate their clients in completing it? 2. What are health care providers'/health systems' roles in ACP? What might lawyers better understand about patient care, treatment, practices and policies/procedures that would impact their practice? 3. Given each profession has a role in ACP, how do we work together to help our clients/patients reach their goals?
Presenters: Dr. Charlie Chen & Maureen Douglas
North - Student Full, South - Student Full
Panel: Chris Samuel, Darcy Norman, Faith Majekolagbe, Jo-Anne Yau, Lorelei Anselmo, and Tyson Kennedy
Taxation Law (North)
Recent Developments on Taxpayers’ Disclosure Obligations
Recent amendments to disclosure obligations affecting taxpayers and their legal representatives with a focus on highlighting important considerations for lawyers in their everyday practice.
Presenters: Mac Paterson-Tebbutt
Personal Injury Law (South)
Fatality cases and the damages that can be claimed.
Presenter: Hannah Hunter-Loubert
Civil Litigation (South)
In-House Perspectives Panel Discussion
Presenters: Eric Greenan, Elise Cartier, Lan Nguyen
Articling Students Web
Choosing a Practice Area After Your Articling Year: Strategies and Tips for Articling Students
Presenters: Katrina Edgerton-McGhan, Lubaina Baloch & Lee Axford
CCCA (South)
Update on Employment Law & Mediation Tips and Practices
Presenters: Brent Mescall & Michael Geib
Health Law (South)
Safety for Health Care Practitioners: Legal Liability and Protections in the Workplace
Workplace health and safety considerations for healthcare practitioners, reviewing the intersections of different aspects of regulatory and legal issues.
Presenter: Laura Inglis
Foreclosure Law (South)
Fees and Disbursement’s Guideline; Suggested Changes to the standard for Foreclosure Orders
Presenters: Cass Lintott & Rafael Enrico Badiola
Business Law (North)
Bare Facts about Bare Trusts and the New Trust Rules
Presenter: Dana Rittenhouse
Insolvency Law (South)
Review of Notable Consumer Case law in 2023
Notable reported decisions in 2023 on consumer insolvency case law in Canada will be reviewed.
Presenter: Matthew Prieur
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Employment Case Law Update 2023
A discussion of notable decisions from 2023 and their impact on the areas of employment law and human rights.
Presenter: Carter Greschner
Insurance Law (South)
Mediation, Tips and Strategies
Tips and strategies for preparing for a mediation, including details on what to include/omit in mediation briefs and suggestions for counsel on how to approach mediation.
Presenters: Kyle Smith & Kimberley Van Buuren
Immigration Law (North)
Humanitarian & Compassionate Roundtable
Presenters: Rachael Anderson & Anna Kuranicheva
Real Property Law - Residential (South)
Review of Recent Developments in the Common Law
Presenters: Peter W. K. Ridout
Municipal Law (South)
A look at the tools being used for the actions related to The City of Calgary's plans to facilitate the density needs of future housing demand.
Presenter: Teresa Goldstein
Criminal Justice (South)
Search and Seizure in White Collar Crime and Civil Corporate Crime Investigations
Discussion of search and seizure issues for corporate accused in criminal and regulatory offences and parallel civil investigations. Overview of civil investigations, law enforcement reporting, search and seizure, contents of search warrants and information-to-obtain, Jarvis issues in regulatory investigations.
Presenters: Tyler Lord, Jordan R.M. Deering, Krista Mooney & Sgt. Nick Dale
Family Law (South)
A View from the Bench – Tips & Tricks For How to be an Impactful Advocate for Your Client
Presenter: Justice Michel Bourque
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast
Exploring the legal and intellectual property considerations relevant to social media influencers, content creators, digital agencies, and brands
Presenter: Julian Dobre
Construction Law (South)
This presentation will answer these burning questions – and more! This informative session will “lift the veil” and is guaranteed to resolve all your bond claim-related worries.* [*Please note this guarantee is not in compliance with the requirements of the Guarantees Acknowledgment Act and is of no force or effect.]
Presenters: Andrew Wilkinson & Nancy Hermann-Hills
Young Lawyers (North)
Important Developments in the Legal Profession: Year in Review
A high level overview of some of the latest developments that occurred in the past year
Presenter: Fraser Turnbull
Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
Successfully Introducing New Digital Resources into Your Organization: Lessons Learned
Wondering about how to introduce digital resources, including legal tech, to your organization? Come learn some best practices and tips for success.
Presenter: Jacquelyn DeGreeve
Family Law (North)
Relevant factors and complexities to be aware of in divorce/separation files involving farms.
Presenter: Brant DeRudder
Constitutional & Human Rights Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Administrative Law (South)
"Wait, What!? What the Supreme Court Actually Said in the IAA Reference"
Presenter: Professor Martin Olszynski
Health Law (South)
Disciplinary Decisions Against Physicians in Canada: A Study by Professor Lorian Hardcastle
Policy recommendations for professional regulators emerging from this study, in particular with respect to reactive disciplinary activities and proactive oversight activities.
Presenter: Lorian Hardcastle
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Labour & Employment Law Year in Review
A look back at significant 2023 developments in employment and human rights.
Presenter: Jason Schlotter
Natural Resources (South)
This presentation will provide an in-depth summary of how this insurance product works, what it means for the deal lawyers, the pros and cons of RWI, and other deal considerations that are impacted when parties are considering implementing RWI.
Presenters: George Antonopoulos & Sean Flinn
Wills Full
What’s Love Got To Do With It - Trusts As Part of Relationship Breakdown
Issues surrounding the formation, management and dissolution of a trust as part of a relationship breakdown of a Settlor, Trustee or Beneficiary and practical options for counsel to consider and discuss as part of best practices for advising on these issues.
Presenters: Catherine E. Gerrits
Child & Youth Law (South)
The Presentation of Cultural Evidence in Family and Child Welfare Matters
Factors to consider when presenting cultural evidence to a trier of fact in a family law or child welfare matter.
Presenters: Andy Hayher K.C. & Dr. Terry Singh, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Commercial Property & Leasing (North)
Speciality leasing clauses from a Landlord and a Tenant perspective, including in relation to restaurants, medical uses, gyms, condominium units, and some discussion on the difference between leasing industrial vs retail.
Presenter: Sharon Ohayon
Young Lawyers (North)
Foundational principles, practical tips and pointers to help with successful judgement enforcement.
Presenters: Andrea Steen
Environmental Web
Upcoming from the Environmental Law Centre: A Proposed Endangered Species Act for Alberta
Presenter: Rebecca Kauffman
Wills Full
Digital Estate Planning - Practical Tips for Estate Lawyers from an Expert
What are Digital Assets, and why are they important to consider in estate planning? What are the 3 truths of Digital Assets in the context of estate planning, and how can you help clients to navigate planning for Digital Assets to achieve successful administration outcomes?
Presenter: Jeff Baxter
Criminal Justice (North)
Examining the New Sex Offender Registration Act (SOIRA) Regime
This presentation will outline the new SOIRA regime: when registration is automatic, when it is discretionary (and how exemption applications should be made), and for how long an offender should be registered. The presentation will also briefly cover potential constitutionality issues with the new regime.
Presenter: Zachary Al-Khatib
Construction Law (South)
2023 Annual Case Law Review (Construction Edition)
Presenters: 2023-2024 Construction Law South Section Executive
Elder Web
Protecting Our Seniors: Unveiling Internet Scams and Fraudulent Strategies Targeting Older Adults
This presentation aims to shed light on the alarming rise of scams that people are falling victim to on the internet, as well as other deceptive strategies employed to fraudulently extract money from seniors.
Presenters: Tony Piatelli & Odeta Doroftei
Civil Litigation (North)
Condominium Litigation, Liens, and Emerging Issues
Presenters: Hugh Willis & Brian Anslow
Young Lawyers (North)
Discussion on the Business Corporations Act (Alberta)
A general discussion on the roles and responsibilities of Officers, Directors and Shareholders under the Business Corporations Act (Alberta), as well as the importance of having a unanimous shareholders agreement in place, followed by a brief discussion on reorganizations.
Presenter: Baerach Anderson
Personal Injury Law (South)
Straight As? Or Straight Ehs? An Abbreviated Analysis of Annoying and Also Amazing Advocacy
Justice Marion will provide some observations about ineffective and effective advocacy from the judicial perspective.
Presenter: Honourable Justice Michael A. Marion
Taxation Law (South)
Global Minimum Tax Act: Canada’s Pillar Two Legislation
Presenter: John Farquhar
Aboriginal Full
Achieving Justice When Limitation Periods Deny Indigenous Claims
Presenter: Thomas Slade
Natural Resources (South)
The Supreme Court of Canada's Decision on the Constitutionality of the Impact Assessment Act
Presenters: Sean Assie & Anna McIntosh
Insurance Law (North)
In this session, the lawyers who were successful in having this tort recognized will discuss the details of the case, the applicable test for the tort of harassment and its implications.
Presenters: J. Mark Jackson and Katherine Fu
Child & Youth Law (South)
Tips and Tricks for Initial Custody Hearings and Trials
Hear about Tips and Tricks on Initial Custody Hearings and Trials in the child protection context from the different experiences of counsel representing parents, the Director, and children.
Presenters: Sallee Maxwell, Susie McQuaid, Michelle Lee
Municipal Law (South)
Presenters: A. Paul Frank & Harper-Lee Overli, K.C.
Elder Law (North)
The Role of a Trust Company During a Client’s Life, Incapacity and Death
A presentation on Trust Company services, when these services are a right fit for a client, and tips on how to collaborate with Trust Companies to serve your clients.
Presenter: Stephanie Tsui
Aboriginal Law (South)
Reflections on Key Aspects of Reference re Impact Assessment Act
This presentation will focus on the recent Supreme Court of Canada
Presenters: Dr. Robert Hamilton & David Wright
Alternative Dispute Resolution (North)
Early Intervention Case Conferences and Estate Case Conferences
This meeting with be a panel discussion with questions asked to the speakers about their respective experiences with EICC’s and ECC’s.
Presenters: Erin Lafuente and Amanda Lindberg
Insolvency Law (South)
Enhanced Protection for Pensions in Insolvency
A discussion of the new priority for pensions and its implications for the insolvency regime, lenders, and pensions more generally.
Presenters: Michael Wolpert & Jessica Cameron
Labour & Employment Law (North)
AI technology and the challenges such technology presents when balancing the employer's ability to make employment decisions with employee privacy rights.
Presenter: Monica Bokenfohr
Privacy Web
Generative AI and the Practice of Law
Recent developments in Generative AI and how it will affect the practice of law and the impact it may have on privacy in the legal community.
Presenter: Amy Salyzyn
Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
Implementing Knowledge Management into Your Organization
How a knowledge management strategy at your firm can help your lawyers and staff become smarter, faster, and better.
Presenter: Kate Simpson
Privacy & Access Law (North)
Personal Information Protection Act 101
Lawyers advising private organizations of all sizes will benefit from a review of the protection of personal information and access to information requirements under PIPA. We will also discuss common situations where PIPA may arise in different areas of law including employment, insurance, and commercial transactions.
Presenter: Marc Yu
Child & Youth Law (North)
Children and EPOs: Best Practices and Views from the Bench
Listen to family violence experts provide an analysis of the Protection Against Family Violence Act and children and the role of Child's Counsel.
Presenters: Gwen May & Elizabeth Turner
CCCA (North)
Wake-up Call: Changes to Canada's Competition Law - How it will Affect You.
An overview of recent and proposed changes to the Competition Act, including the elimination of the efficiencies defense, new disclosure requirements, and civil reviews of anti-competitive agreements, and their implications for businesses and legal professionals.
Presenters: Sandy Walker
Wills Full
Join three senior wills and estates practitioners as they discuss Alberta’s new Trustee Act – how it applies to existing trusts, and considerations when drafting new trusts.
Presenters: Shelly Chamaschuk, Rhonda Johnson, Karen Rackel, KC
Family Law (South)
The first presentation will be a case study of ChatGPT, including a live demonstration of the AI software.
The second presentation addresses an opposing party who has addiction issues and other mental health challenges; before you know it, you are dealing with an ungovernable person harassing everyone on a file including his counsel, his former counsel, you as counsel, supervision agencies, negative online reviews for everyone involved on the file, showing up to your office uninvited, trying to bribe you, threatening your client’s family, etc….What does one do?!?
Presenters: Alicia McLelland & Stephen Page
Construction Law (South)
Why Can't We Be Friends? - Mediating Multi-Party Construction Dispute
This panel will discuss timing of mediations, selecting a mediator, how best to prepare for and conduct mediations, and what to do if mediation fails.
Presenters: Hon. Neil Wittmann, K.C., David de Groot, & Susan Fader
Technology & Intellectual Property Web
Overview of the NRC-IRAP IP Assist Program for IP Professionals
Presenter: Torunn Landsgaard
Business Law (South)
Estate Planning for Business Owners
Estate Planning for Business Owners, including wills, powers of attorney, personal directives, shareholders agreements, and key person insurance considerations.
Presenters: Lindsay Amantea
Municipal Law (North)
A Brief History of Expropriation Law in Alberta
Examine how a southern Alberta rancher influenced most of the country to modernize expropriation legislation and the evolution of the case law since the enactment of the Expropriation Act in 1974. A comparison is drawn between the treatment of that rancher in the 1950s and his descendants in the 2000s.
Presenters: Donald P. Mallon, K.C. & Shauna Finlay
Small, Solo & General Practice (North)
Hanging Your Shingles - The Real Truth (Lessons Learned, Helpful Tips)
Burning questions about what it takes to start a new practice or assume ownership of a small practice, the pros and cons of solo practice or partnerships and if time permits, they will address resources available to sole practitioners and small practices including technology and services.
Presenters: Joe Roselli K.C., Soni Nayak, Shounak Metah
Insurance Law (South)
Cyber Security and Ransomware: Insurance Issues and Preventative Measures
Presenter: Wesley Robinson
CBA Alberta event
Understanding the ASC Whistleblower Program and How Lawyers Can Assist
Presenters: Cynthia Campbell & Solomon Ngoladi
Immigration Law (North)
Immigration Judicial Reviews: Perspective of Department of Justice
The presenter will discuss various practices and considerations followed by Department of Justice (DOJ) counsel in conducting immigration judicial reviews at the Federal Court.
Presenter: Meenu Ahluwalia
Real Property Law - Residential (South)
Changes to the AREA Contract – Condominium Estoppels
Presenter: Gord Van Vliet
Civil Litigation (North)
Best practices for resolving claims in the Alberta Court of Justice
The Honourable Justice G.W. Sharek will be presenting on the Alberta Court of Justice’s unique approach to litigation including its resolution process, common types of claims seen by the Court, and helpful tips for resolving claims.
Presenter: The Honourable Justice G.W. Sharek
Administrative Law (North)
The Evolution of Administrative Law Over the Last 35 Years
A retrospective session on major changes in administrative law over the past 35 years to enhance advocacy skills.
Presenter: James T. Casey, KC (Partner, Field Law)
Young Lawyers (South)
AI in the Practice of Law: Actual vs. Artificial Intelligence
a presentation on the use of generative artificial intelligence in legal work products, the ethics of regulatory developments, and the responsible use of AI in the practice of law.
Presenter: Jo-Anne Yau
Alternative Dispute Resolution (South)
ADR Processes Available Through the Courts
Justice Feasby will provide an overview of all ADR processes currently available for parties whose matters are before the Court of King’s Bench
Presenters: Honourable Justice Colin C.J. Feasby
Charities Law (Provincial)
Non-profit Organizations And Charities - Tax And Gst Filing Requirements
A discussion on T2 and T1044 filing requirements for incorporated entities, GST rules for non-profits and charities, and potential updates on CRA guidance regarding books and records requirements for grants to “grantee organizations.”
Presenters: Stella Penner
Family Law (North)
Exciting Case Law Review Updates from Bottom Line Research and Communications
Presenter: Linda Jensen
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North)
Listen in as Richard Secord, Partner at Ackroyd LLP, provides his insights and commentary on the practical implications of the AUC’s 6-month pause on all participants in the AUC regulatory process.
Presenter: Richard Secord
Administrative Law (South)
Bill 23 – The Professional Governance Act
Discussion on Bill 23 and its impact on professional governance in Alberta.
Presenters: Andrew Harasymiw
Health Law (South)
A Judicial Perspective on Medical & Personal-Injury Matters in the Court
Presenter: Honourable Alan Macleod
Natural Resources (South)
Strategies for Success Before Regulatory Tribunals
Presenters: Doug Larder & Gavin Fitch
Child & Youth Law (South)
Calgary Drug Treatment Court is an evidence-based program that integrates court intervention and treatment services to end drug-driven crime and assist participants in returning to family, work, and community.
Presenters: Arla Liska & Alisa Weber
Commercial Property & Leasing (North)
Due Diligence on Commercial Purchases: Representations & Warranties
This seminar will cover how representations and warranties can play a key role in risk allocation between parties and will provide drafting considerations from both the vendor and purchaser perspective.
Presenter: Nitin Bhatia
Elder Law (North)
An update on services and programs for older adults and caregivers in the Edmonton region that support aging in the community. Examples of the services and programs include the new seniors outreach model, social prescribing, community animation program, Directory of Seniors Services, and Regional Centre for Healthy Aging project.
Presenter: Karen McDonald
Environmental Web
Regulation of Toxic Substances: Forever Chemicals (PFAS) – A Persistent and Growing Concern
The presentation will discuss the current status of Canada’s regulation of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”), the emergence of some of the first PFAS-related litigation in Canada and offer a brief look at recent developments in other jurisdictions and more.
Presenters: Rick Williams & Braeden Stang
Articling Web
Insight On What Articling Students Can Expect From Their Performance Evaluations And Feedback
Is there any ?coming back from a negative review??
Presenters: Analea Wayne K.C., Tara Hamelin & Megan Harris
Taxation Law (South)
Global Minimum Tax Act: Canada’s Pillar Two Legislation
Presenter: John Farquhar
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
A Refresher on Fraudulent Preferences and Conveyances
Presenter: Emily Paplawski
Personal Injury Law (South)
Reports and Records: The Role of Psychologists in Personal Injury Matters
Dr. Janzen and Dr. Gale will be presenting to help shed some light on these subjects and other related issues from a psychologist’s perspective.
Presenters: R.Travis Bissett, Dr. Troy Janzen & Dr. Reagan Gale
Civil Litigation (South)
The Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in Reference Re Impact Assessment Act, 2023 SCC 23
The panel will provide an overview of this important case and give their insights into the various legal issues raised and the practical impacts of the Supreme Court’s decision.
Presenters: Peter Banks, Brad Gilmour, Sean Assie, Brooke Barrett, Sharon Mascher & Aidan Paul
CCCA (North)
Crisis Management: Corporate Counsel's Role in Crisis Prevention
Andrew Wallace of PCL will discuss the role of Corporate Counsel in crisis management, using a case example to highlight lessons on being a technical expert, wise counselor, and accountable leader.
Presenters: Andrew Wallace
CCCA (South)
Artificial Intelligence – A Practical Approach to Compliance
Presenters: Sébastien A. Gittens & Stephen Burns
Sexual & Gender Diversity Alliance (Provincial)
Counsel Involved in Supreme Court of Canada Hansman v Neufeld Decision
The three counsel who were involved in this appeal will outline its background, issues raised, and the significance of the SCC’s findings for the 2SLGBTQI+ community and the wider public.
Presenters: Robyn Trask, Brendan MacArthur-Stevens, & Dustin Klaudt
CBA Alberta event
The View from the Bench: A Chat with Alberta's Chiefs | Video
The View from the Bench: A chat with Alberta's Chiefs
Immigration Law (South)
Obtaining a Writ of Mandamus – Addressing Extreme Delays in the Canadian Immigration System
Presenter: Barbara Jackman, C.M., LL.B., LL.D. (Senior Lawyer, Founder at Jackman & Associates)
Criminal Justice (North)
Understanding the Parole System in Canada
Presenters: Corina Defazio and Katie Hastey
Alternative Dispute Resolution (North)
Ways to Motivate Settlement at Different Litigation Stages
Alex Yiu on strategies to motivate settlements at various stages of litigation, including offers to settle, mediation, arbitration, and JDR.
Presenters: Alex Yiu
Labour & Employment Law (North)
An Introduction and Update to the Canada Labour Code
This section meeting will endeavour to introduce participants to the Canada Labour Code, and/or provide an update on the legislation and recent changes to those already acquainted with the legislation.
Presenter: Ryan K. Smith
Aboriginal Law (South)
Indigenous Procurement Practices
Our speakers will discuss best practices for procurement with Indigenous businesses
Presenters: Peter Forrester, Lindsay Bec, & Kaitlin Long
Administrative Law (North)
Caroline Mandell will discuss the key principles that judges and adjudicators learn in decision-writing programs.
Presenter: Caroline Mandell
Business Law (South)
Update on New Exemptions for Securities Offerings
Presenters: Thomas Heine & Mitchell Steele
Municipal Law (North)
What exactly are they? How are strata spaces used in Alberta, and how are they distinct from condominiums?
Presenter: Michael Gibson
Securities Web
New Advanced Research and Knowledge Management Division at the Alberta Securities Commission
Presenter: Ryan Clements
Child & Youth Law (South)
Intersection Between Youth Criminal Law and Child Protection
The presentation will include a discussion on information sharing, the role of child protection matters in youth criminal proceedings, and consideration of the best interests of the child.
Presenters: Justice T.K. M. Davis, Janice Walsh, Vig Pillai
Presenters: Philip Viater & Colleen Christie
Young Lawyers (North)
Gather tips and tricks from our panel which includes the Honourable Justice Michalyshyn and two Edmonton litigators, whose combined experience will cover a wide range of topics for how to perfect your chambers appearances.
Presenters: Justice Michalyshyn, Dawn Nelson, Mandi Deren-Dube
Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South)
Generative AI and Legal Research
Are you curious about generative AI? Join us for a discussion with Colin Lachance, co-founder and CEO of Jurisage, about use-cases, pitfalls and best practices when applying generative AI to legal research tasks.
Presenter: Colin Lachance
Family Law (North)
Educating Your Family Law Client to Avoid False Binary Positions on Parent-Child Contact
The webinar will give more tools to Family lawyers to orient their clients in a child-focused way and to maximize opportunities to step out of litigation when appropriate to reduce the emotional and financial toll of litigation.
Presenter: Michael Saini, PhD, MSW, RSW - Professor and Factor-Inwentash Chair in Law and Social Work at the University of Toronto
Health Law (South)
Recent Trends in Psychedelics and the Law
This presentation will explore the current regulatory and policy framework in Canada around controlled drugs and substances, with a focus on psilocybin and psychedelics more generally.
Presenter: David Wood
Elder Web
Steps To Safety: Fall and Fire Prevention
Presented by the CBA Alberta Elder Law South Section
Presenter: Randy Chevrier
Women Lawyers' Forum (North)
Running for Bencher 101, from former and current Benchers!
Presenters: Kathleen Ryan, KC, Moira Vane, Sandra Petersson, KC
Labour & Employment Law (South)
A Mediator’s Views about Employment Law Cases
Presenter: Andrew R. Robertson, K.C.
CBA Alberta event
World Mental Health Day: Suicide Awareness
Presented by the Centre for Suicide Prevention
Wills & Trusts (South)
Updates to Surrogate Digital Service
Join us for an update on the Surrogate Digital Service (SDS) as we discuss service history, progress to date, common issues, tips & traps, lawyers’ user experience, and anticipated future releases (including Grants of Administration).
Presenters: Johanna Dietrich, Michelle Thayer, and Shelley Waite
Constitutional & Human Rights Law (North)
Presenters: Kathryn Oviatt
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
Farm and Agricultural Enforcement: Creditor Considerations and Debtor Relief Options
Nicholas Williams and Tamya Chowdhury of Dentons Canada LLP will be providing a refresher course on procedure and legislation important to both creditors and debtors in the farming and agricultural sectors.
Presenters: Nicholas Williams & Tamya Chowdhury
Insurance Law (North)
Section 579 of the Insurance Act: Practice Tips for Relying on Creditor's Rights
Presenter: Christine Pratt, KC
Personal Injury Law (South)
Alberta Auto Insurance: Government Relations Update
Presenter: Keith McLaughlin
Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), Environmental Web
Mediation in Front of the Environment Appeals Board
A helpful overview of the mediation process before the Board which plays a crucial role in resolving disputes without going through the Board's formal hearing process.
Presenter: Gilbert Van Nes
Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), CCCA (South)
Preparing for Mediation – Turning Conflict into Opportunity
Presenters: David Gould
Articling Web
Candid Conversations: Turning PREP Into Practice
This session helps new articling students bridge PREP work with real-world tasks, featuring a panel of former students sharing their experiences, challenges, and successes.
Presenters: Ryan Johnson
Child & Youth Law (North)
How to Help, Not Hinder PN7s as Child’s Counsel
An overview of the clinician’s role in a Practice Note 7 Intervention, the role of child’s counsel and how it differs to representing parents, and best practices for counsel representing children in engaging and working with the Parenting Expert, including but not limited to what, if any, information should be shared with the Parenting Expert, and the associated risk of bias, contamination by association, and waiver of privilege.
Presenter: Brandi Smith
Immigration Law (South)
Newcomer Resettlement Organizations
Discussion topics will range from student issues, to abuse in the workplace, to the challenges our legal community can better assist with.
Presenters: Paula Calderon & Nahid Karemati
Business Law (North)
How Alberta Innovates Helps Entrepreneurs and How Lawyers Can Connect Clients
A presentation by Alberta Innovates on its mission, support for entrepreneurs, funding scope, and how lawyers can connect clients to its programs to support start-ups and small businesses.
Presenters: Carla Otto
Civil Litigation (South)
Large Litigation: Managing Complex Civil Litigation
Justice Kirker, Mr. David Tupper, and Ms. Trish Morrison will provide their insight on the practice of litigation, with a focus on large complex commercial matters.
Presenters: Justice Kirker, David Tupper, Trish Morrison
Construction Law (North)
Adjudication Under the PPCLA: An Adjudicators Perspective
The PPCLA introduced adjudication into Alberta’s construction landscape. Hear from an adjudicator about her experience on the ground and how the process is working.
Presenters: Adrianna Worman
Administrative Law (North)
Justice Ho will share her experiences as both a practitioner and a judge.
Presenter: Justice L. Bernette Ho, Court of Appeal of Alberta
Insurance Law (South)
Practicing Law in the Insurance Industry
A discussion that covers everything from building relationships with insurance clients, to practicing in-house for an insurance company.
Presenters: Patrick Heinsen, K.C. (Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP), Don Dear, K.C. (Partner, Clyde & Co. LLP), Christine, Viney (Partner, Bennett Jones LLP), Ken Blake (Senior Legal Counsel, Intact), Raphael Jacob (Senior Associate, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP), Neil Zimmerman (Associate, Brownlee LLP), Kass Freeman (Associate, Clyde & Co. LLP)
Municipal Law (North)
A View From the Safety Codes Council: a Discussion on Codes Appeals in Alberta
Practices and appeals under the Safety Codes Act, trends and emerging issues, and best practices for legal counsel appearing before this tribunal.
Presenter: Jordyn Dryden
Immigration Law (North)
The Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot: An Alternative Path For Immigration Into Canada
Learn about a flagship initiative of TalentShift: partnership with the federal immigration department to facilitate the re-settlement of skilled refugees as economic immigrants, with confirmed job offers in Canada, through the recently launched Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot.
Presenter: Veronica Wilson
Wills Full
Intersection Between Estates Law and Family Law on Support Obligations
Presenters: Tiffany S. Stokes & James Samaroden
Family Law (South)
Informal Family Property Agreements after Anderson v Anderson, 2023 SCC 13
Presenters: Krysta Ostwald & Peter Hryniuk
Construction Law (South), Young Lawyers (South)
This seminar will cover the various contracting models available for projects and why some types of contracts and compensation methods may be more appropriate for different types of projects.
Presenters: Chris Brett & Geoff Stenger
Technology & Intellectual Property Web
Recent Developments Relating to Patented Medicine Price Review Regulations
Presenter: Gregory Hagen
Small, Solo & General Practice (South)
Privacy Obligations for Lawyers and Law Firms
Presenters: Cara-Lynn Stelmack & Chris Stinner
Family Law (North)
The Honourable Justice Anna Loparco and the Honourable Justice Steven N. Mandziuk of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta will speak about recent family law cases that they found interesting.
Presenters: The Honourable Justice Anna Loparco & The Honourable Justice Steven N. Mandziuk
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North)
Single Use Items and Plastics- Impacts of New Municipal Bylaw and Federal Regulations
Presenters: Christina Hodgson-Mousseau, Ashley Abbink, & Tracey Spack
Labour & Employment Law (South)
Tips and Tricks for Success at Labour Arbitration and Before Other Administrative Tribunals
From preliminary objections to closing arguments, the webinar will arm advocates with some tried and true tips and tricks for presenting at labour arbitrations.
Presenter: Jackie Laviolette
Civil Litigation (North)
You Have Your Judgement, Now What?
You've obtained a judgement, what steps do you need to take to register the judgement and collect? This is a step-by-step discussion with practical tips including confirming information t prepare garnishee summons, forced sale of properties, and more.
Presenters: Bren R. Cargill
Charities Law (Provincial)
A discussion on changes affecting charitable fundraising, including the impact of the Alternative Minimum Tax on gifts, and an open forum for participants to raise questions and issues.
Presenters: Hayley Maschek & Lara Nonay
Young Lawyers (North)
Day to Day Legal Practice Management
Topics include (1) Time management and prioritization, (2) Client communication and relationship building, (3) Effective legal research and case management.
Presenter: Steven Cooper, KC
Environmental Web
Taylor Kemp, who acted as counsel to one of the parties, will present on the Alberta Court of King’s Bench decision in Qualex-Landmark Towers Inc v 12-10 Capital Corp in which the Court applied principles from the Redwater decision to environmental remediation obligations.
Presenter: Taylor Kemp
Creditor & Debtor Law (North)
Presenters: Andrea M. Steen, Dana M. Nowak, & Bren R. Cargill
Alternative Dispute Resolution (South)
Judicial Dispute Resolution: New Roles for Judges in Ensuring Justice
The Honourable Justice William Tilleman (ret’d) will discuss his new book, Judicial Dispute Resolution: New Roles for Judges in Ensuring Justice, co-authored with Dr. Lawrence Susskind (MIT) and Dr. Nicolas Parra-Herrera (Harvard).
Presenters: The Honourable Justice William Tilleman (ret'd)
Commercial Property & Leasing (North)
Zoning Bylaw Renewal and its Impact on Commercial Properties in Edmonton
As an expert in the area of municipal law and past litigator with the City of Edmonton, Gwendolyn Stewart-Palmer will share her thoughts on the proposed changes to the zoning bylaw and how they may impact commercial property and development across the city.
Presenter: Gwendolyn J. Stewart-Palmer, KC, Partner, Shores Jardine LLP
Child & Youth Law (South)
Family Violence and Keira's Law
A discussion of family violence in the context of litigation and what it can mean for counsel – what Keira’s Law means, and a discussion of applications available under the Protection Against Family Violence Act.
Presenters: Philip Viater & Colleen Christie
Municipal Law (South)
Dispute Resolution Special Considerations for Planning and Municipal Issues
Presenters: Shannon Belvedere & Jennifer Sykes
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Practice Tips on Navigating the World of Pre-Removal Risk Assessments
Presenters: Jared Will (Partner, Jared Will & Associates)
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law | North Video
Intergenerational Wealth Transfer: Property Transfer Considerations
Presenter: Kayla Thompson (Associate, Duncan Craig LLP)
Mae Chow (Partner, Duncan Craig LLP)
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | South Video
What I Wish I Knew
Presenters: The Honourable Justice Nancy M. Carruthers (Court of King's Bench of Alberta)
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | South Video
Access and Privacy in the Municipal Context: Programs and legal issues
Presenters: Arwin Chua (Leader, Access and Privacy, City of Calgary)
David Reese (Information & Privacy Lawyer, City of Calgary)
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | North Video
Solicitor-Client Privilege at the OIPC: An Update on Developments Since Alberta (IPC) v University of Calgary , 2016 SCC 53
Presenters: Matthew Woodley (Partner at Reynolds, Mirth, Richards & Farmer LLP)
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | North Video
Support for Children Testifying
Presenter: Melanie Dziwenka (Manager of Justice Supports) and Captain from Zebra Child and Youth Advocacy Centre & Nadine Kereliuk (Community Connections Coordinator) from Zebra Child and Youth Advocacy Centre
Kiara Warkentin (Director of Justice, Research, and Outreach) and Yukon from Saffron Centre
Pooh Bear (Regional PR), Shrek (Edmonton President) and Rogue (Bikers Against Chld Abuse)
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Business Immigration Essentials for In-House Counsel
Presenters: Lori Brienza (Partner, Matthews Dinsdale & Clark LLP)
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Building a Litigation Practice: A Conversation with S. Chotalia, K.C.
Presenter: Shirish Chotalia, K.C. (Pundit & Chotalia / Edmonton Immigration & Human Rights Lawyer)
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills, Estates & Trusts | North Video
Paths to Resolution: Mediation and Arbitration in Estate Matters
Presenter: Françoise H. Belzil (Biamonte LLP)
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental Law | South Video
From Hot Calls to the Court House – Managing an Environmental Incident
Presenters: Brad Gilmour (Partner, Bennett Jones LLP)
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Sole On Demand, Sole Web , Small, Solo & General Practice (South), Sole On Demand
Small, Solo, General Practice Law | North Video
Leveraging your practice with TextExpander
Presenters: Russel Schmidt (Lawyer, Kahane Law Office)
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
Case Law Update From Appellate Counsel
Presenters: Katherine Fraser (Appellate Counsel/ Alberta Justice)
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South), Labour On Demand
Labour & Employment Law | South Video
Personal Liability in Workplace Litigation
Presenters: Stephen Torscher (Partner, Carbert Waite LLP)
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Surrogate Reform: Tips & Tricks for Navigating the Surrogate Digital Portal
Presenters: Shel Laven (Laven and Company LLP)
Torri Woods (Associate, McLeod Law LLP)
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
Working with Experts: Views from the Bench
Presenter: The Honourable Justice Lorena Harris (Court of King's Bench)
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Ethics and Loss Prevention Tips
Presenters: Stuart Weatherill, Partner, Emery Jamieson LLP
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
How to (Literally) Become a Judge
Presenters: The Honourable Justice M.J. Shaften (Alberta Court of Justice
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand
Creditor & Debtor Law | North Video
Alberta Economic Update
Presenters: Siddhartha Bhattacharya (Economist, ATB Financial)
Ian Phillip (Director, Risk and Advisory Management, ATB Financial)
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand
Ethics Refresher: Top 5 Most Common Issues Pratice Advisors Have Seen in Practice
Presenter: Allan J. Guty (Practice Advisor, Law ociety of Alberta)
Elder Law - North Webcast, Elder Law (North), Elder On Demand, Elder Web , Elder On Demand
There's No Place Like Home: ALRI's Recommendations to Replace the Dower Act
Presenters: Laura Buckingham (Legal counsel at the Alberta Law Reform Institute)
Commercial Web, Commercial Property & Leasing (North), Commercial On Demand, Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Commercial Web, Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Commercial On Demand, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Commercial Property & Leasing Law | North Video
Case Law Updates
Presenters: Jenna Weinkauf (Counsel at Dentons Canada LLP)
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand, InsuranceWeb, Insurance Law (South), Insurance On Demand
Social Host Liability – Best Practices to Prevent Liability
Presenters: David Pick (Managing Partner, Brownlee LLP)
Constitutional Web, Constitutional & Human Rights Law (North), Constitutional On Demand, Constitutional Web, Constitutional On Demand
Constitutional & Human Rights Law | North Video
27 Ways to Lose@ the Court of Appeal by Oral Argument (and 15 additional Do's and Don'ts)
Presenter: Eugene Meehan, K.C. (Supreme Advocacy LLP, Ottawa, ON)
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
Part 2: Summary Trials: A Judge's Perspective
Presenter: The Hon. Justice Kevin Feth
Articling Students Web, Articling Students On Demand, Articling Web, Articling On Demand
Articling Students | Provincial Video
Professional Ethics
Presenters: Jesse Mackenzie
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South), Labour On Demand
Labour & Employment Law | North Video
Recent Developments for Damages in the Human Rights Context
Presenter: Sanjana Ahmed
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
How to Get Support from a Member of Parliament
Presenter: MP Kelly McCauley & Ms. Oula Sanduga
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Duty to Accommodate
Presenters: Kathryn Oviatt, Duncan Marsden & Jean Munn K.C.
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand, Insolvency Web, Insolvency Law (South), Insolvency On Demand
Developments and Trends in Debt Financings in 2023
Presenters: Tyrel Henderson
Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (North), Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | South Video
View from the Bench
Presenters: Justice Elizabeth A. Hughes, Justice Michele H. Hollins & Justice Anne J. Brown
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
In-House Market Trends & Insights
Presenter: Meaghan Loughry
Taxation Law (North), Taxation On Demand, Taxation Web South, Taxation Web , Taxation Law (South), Taxation On Demand
Life Insurance for Private Corporations
Presenter: Collin Noble
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Technology and Legal Tech – Innovation in the Practice of Immigration Law
Presenters: Rui Chen
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Unanimous Shareholder Agreements: a Valuators Perspective
Presenters: Alden Caouette
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | South Video
Technologies and Strategies for Effective Document Reviews
Presenters: Tiana Van Dyk
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental Law | South Video
Water and Indigenous Rights
Presenters: David Percy K.C.
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Sole On Demand, Sole Web , Small, Solo & General Practice (South), Sole On Demand
Small, Solo & General Practice | South Video
Professional Development and Practice Resource Tools from the Law Society
Presenters: Rebecca Young
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
Wrongful Convictions
Presenters: R. Maria Shepherd & Jessica Zita
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Trends in Commercial Real Estate – What is included in operating costs and what are the changes occurring in commercial listing?
Presenters: Lindsay Amantea
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | North Video
Recent Developments in Administrative Law
Presenter: David Phillip Jones, K.C.
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | North Video
Privacy and Access to Information Case Law in Canada: A Whirlwind Tour of Recent Developments
Presenters: Steve Hughes & James Work
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Law - Residential (South), Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law - Residential | South Video
Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act Updates from a Real Estate/Lending Perspective
Presenters: Adrianna Worman
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
Judicial Creep? Understanding Degrees of Deference to Municipal Decisions
Sheila McNaughtan, K.C. & Daina Young
CBA Alberta event
Creating a Culture of Respect for Gender and Sexual Diversity
Presented by the Centre for Sexuality On Demand
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills, Estates & Trusts | North Video
Valuation Primer for Estate Assets
Presenter: Spencer Ord & Jennifer Doucet
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | South Video
Prompt Payment and Adjudication: the Ontario Experience foreshadowing what’s in Store for Alberta?
Presenters: Shaun Hohman & Chase Salembier
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | South Video
A Dialogue with Alberta's Information and Privacy Commissioner Diane McLeod
Presenters: Diane McLeod, Cara-Lynn Stelmack, Leanne Salel & Chris Stinner
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast, Technology On Demand, Technology & Intellectual Property Web, Technology & Intellectual Property On Demand
Technology & Intellectual Property | South Video
In-House IP: Working Relationships and Career Paths
Presenters: Michael Sharp Sharon Ho & Andrew Lau
CBA Alberta event
CBA Alberta Section Executive Spring Workshop | Provincial Video
CBA Alberta Section Executive Spring Workshop
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law | North Video
Cruelty Cover-Up? Ag Gag Laws in Alberta & Beyond
Presenter: Camille Labchuk
Family Web North, Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Instructions on International Abductions: An Overview of Hague Convention Matters and Family Practice Note 6
Presenters: Max Blitt, K.C. & The Hon. Justice J.R. Ashcroft
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | South Video
Practical Procedural Fairness in an Efficient Regulatory Proceeding
Presenters: Rosa Twyman K.C.
Health Web North, Health On Demand, Health Web, Health Law (South), Health On Demand
End-of-life Decision-making in the ICU: Navigating when there is conflict in consensual decision making
Presenters: Dr. Christopher Doig
CBA Alberta event
Key Issues in Investigating Allegations of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault.
Presenter: Katharine Monpetit
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South), Labour On Demand
Labour & Employment Law | South Video
Advice and Direction from the Director of Complaint Management
Presenters: Emmanuel Owusu
Natural Resources Webcast , Natural Resources On Demand, Natural Web, Natural Resources (South), Natural On Demand
Natural Resources | South Video
Federal Impact Assessment and the Impact Assessment Act – Where Have We Been and Where Do We Go Next?
Presenters: Brad Gilmour & Bruce Mellett
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
The New Trustee Act
Presenters: Donna Molzan K.C.
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Energy Law for Lawyers who Don’t Practice Energy Law
Presenters: Ken Tennenhouse, Conor Chell & Thomas Collopy
Elder Law - North Webcast, Elder Law (North), Elder On Demand, Elder Web , Elder On Demand
Essential, Non-profit, Respite Community Services
Presenters: Caregivers Alberta
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand, InsuranceWeb, Insurance Law (South), Insurance On Demand
Best Practices for Preparing and Conducting Chambers Applications with Applications Judge J.R. Farrington
Presenters: Judge J.R. Farrington
CBA Alberta event
Re-Setting the Wellness Connection Between Mind and Body - Video
Presenters: Dr. Larry Krieger and Theresa Revell Krieger
Thursday, May 4 | 12:00 p.m. (MT)
Constitutional Web, Constitutional & Human Rights Law (North), Constitutional On Demand, Constitutional Web, Constitutional On Demand
Constitutional & Human Rights Law | North Video
The Evolving Approach to Charter Interpretation
Presenter: The Hon. Justice Colin Feasby
Personal Web, Personal Injury On Demand, Personal Web, Personal Injury Law (South), Personal On Demand
Personal Injury Law | South Video
Things to be Mindful of When Your Personal Injury Client has a LTD Claim
Presenters: Peter Cline
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand
Creditor & Debtor Law | North Video
Claims Avoidance in a Creditor and Debtor Law Practice
Presenters: Stuart Weatherill & Kirsty Vogelesang
ADR Web North, Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), ADR On Demand, ADR Web South, Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), ADR On Demand
Alternative Dispute Resolution | South Video
How far can the Arbitrator go: Relying on and Addressing Law, Arguments, and Issues not Raised by Counsel
Presenters: Sabri Shawa K.C.
Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal Law (South)
Indigenous Economic Interests and the Duty to Consult
Presenter: Rochelle Collette
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand
Navigating the Court of Justice
Presenter: The Hon. Justice Sandra L. Corbett
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
The Security (or Bond) is Not Enough: Bonds and Other Forms of Security under Development Agreements
Presenters: Lorne Randa
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: pitfalls and unintended consequences of a FAS Diagnosis
Presenters: Dr. Stephen Wainer
Elder Law - North Webcast, Elder Law (North), Elder On Demand, Elder Web , Elder On Demand
Mediating with Elderly Clients - Perspectives from a Mediator and a Practitioner
Presenters: Victoria A. Jones & Paulette DeKelver
Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (North), Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | South Video
Ghost Guns – The rise of 3-D printed guns
Presenters: Adman Garrett, Kane Richards, Cpl. Jason Dussault
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | North Video
Psychologist's view on the various Practice Note 7 reports
Presenter: Hilda Huj, MA, RPsych
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Starting Your Own Firm
Presenters: Matia Matkovic, Christine Shepherd & Mosi Taylor-Cole
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | North Video
A Dialogue with Alberta's Information and Privacy Commissioner Diane McLeod
Presenters: Diane McLeod
Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal Law (South)
Health Privacy Legislation and System Concerns
Presenter: Dr. Ewan Affleck
ADR Web North, Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), ADR On Demand, ADR Web South, Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), ADR On Demand
Alternative Dispute Resolution | North Video
Conflict Coaching
Presenter: Linda Dobson
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | South Video
The Justice Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 and its changes and implications for the Alberta Court of Justice
Presenters: Chief Justice The Honourable D.G. Redman
Taxation Law (North), Taxation On Demand, Taxation Web South, Taxation Web , Taxation Law (South), Taxation On Demand
Out With the Old, in With the New: Recent Updates in Canadian succession planning
Presenters: Elisabeth Trotter and Chris Johnston
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South)
Labour & Employment Law | North Video
Remote & Hybrid Work Arrangements
Presenter: Lee Carter
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | South Video
Bill C-26: Introduction of New Mandatory Breach Reporting Requirements in Canada
Presenters: Miranda Sharpe
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | North Video
Cross-Canada Review of Surety Law Cases
Presenter: Jeremy Ellergodt
Articling Students Web, Articling Students On Demand, Articling Web, Articling On Demand
Articling Students | Provincial Video
The Place and Case for Pro Bono in the Practice of Law
Presenters: Nonye Opara
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Sole On Demand, Sole Web , Small, Solo & General Practice (South), Sole On Demand
Small, Solo & General Practice | South Video
Articling For Small Firms
Presenters: Erica Pridham
Taxation Law (North), Taxation On Demand, Taxation Web South, Taxation Web , Taxation Law (South), Taxation On Demand
Federal Budget 2023 Update
Presenters: Jessica Fabbro
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | North Video
Perspectives on the Law of Costs and Professional Regulation
Presenters: Ayla Akgungor, Gregory Sim & Matthew Riskin
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Restrictive Covenants: Are departing employees free to compete?
Presenters: Shaun MacIsaac, K.C.
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
Restorative Justice Pilot Project
Presenters: Justice M.C. Christopher, Matthew Hinshaw & Graham Rapson
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Sole On Demand, Sole Web , Small, Solo & General Practice (South), Sole On Demand
Small, Solo, General Practice Law | North Video
What it means to be a Responsible Lawyer and how important it is in our practice to understand the trust safety rules.
Presenters: Bernadette Charan & Tera Yates
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental Law | South Video
Canada’s Strategy towards a Circular Economy for Plastics and Court Challenges threatening Canada’s strategy on Plastic Wastes
Presenters: Denisa Mertiri
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Practice Technology Tips for Immigration Lawyers
Presenter: Mark Holthe
Securities Web South, Securities On Demand, Securities Web , Securities On Demand
Discussion of the New SRO
Presenters: Richard Korble
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | South Video
Pseudolaw: History, Concepts, and Applications
Presenters: Donald J. Netolitzky K.C.
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Reporting for In-House Counsel
Presenters: Aaron Rogers
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills, Estates & Trusts | North Video
Overview of Taxes for Estates
Presenter: Michelle Fong
Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Foreclosure Web South, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Parenting Coordination Explained
Presenters: Dr. Lorri Yasenik & Traci Bannister
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Views from the Bench: 4.31 and 4.33 Applications
Presenters: Justice K.P. Feehan & Applications Judge B. Summers
Charities Law (Provincial), Charities On Demand, Charities Law (Provincial), Charities On Demand
Charities Law | Provincial Video
What We Lost: Inside the Attack on Canada’s Largest Children’s Charity
Presenters: Tawfiq S. Rangwala
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | South Video
Best Practices in Failure Investigations: Protecting Privilege and Preserving Evidence
Presenters: Susan Fader, Robert Martz & Sheila Hyatt
Law Firm Management On Demand
Law Firm Management & Leadership | South Video
OTO – or - RTO (Out of Office/Return to Office) –
Connection and Retention in a New Era
Presenters: Loraine Champion & Loretta Bouwmeester K.C.
Elder Law - North Webcast, Elder Law (North), Elder On Demand, Elder Web , Elder On Demand
Planning your Senior Living Journey
Presenters: Tara Hengst
Family Web North, Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Bankruptcy Basics for Family Lawyers
Presenter: Dr. Anna Lund
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law | North Video
Law and Odour: Special 'lck'tims Unit - Managing the regulatory hydra of a wayward compost facility.
Presenters: Shannon Keehn & Meagan Bryson
Health Web North, Health On Demand, Health Web, Health Law (South), Health On Demand
Litigating Fatal Accident Claims - Looking beyond the Fatal Accidents Act
Presenters: Maia Tomljanovic
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South), Labour On Demand
Labour & Employment Law | South Video
Summary Trial / Summary Judgment in Wrongful Dismissal Claims
Presenters: Todd Lee
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills and Trusts Case Law Update 2022-2023
Presenters: Predrag Tomic
North - Student Full, South - Student Full
Law Student Engagement - Municipal Law
Presenters: Shannon Belvedere & Jennifer Sykes
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand, InsuranceWeb, Insurance Law (South), Insurance On Demand
Making Dispute Resolution Work for Your Clients
Presenters: John Valeriote
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
Summary Trials: A Judge's Perspective
Presenter: The Hon. Justice Kevin Feth
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Overview of Intellectual Property Licenses in Business Law.
Presenters: Gordoon Sustrik, K.C.
Personal Web, Personal Injury On Demand, Personal Web, Personal Injury Law (South), Personal On Demand
Personal Injury Law | South Video
Gearing up for Trial
Presenters: David Pick
Commercial Web, Commercial Property & Leasing (North), Commercial On Demand, Real Property Commercial Web, Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Commercial On Demand
Real Property Law - Commercial | South Video
An Underused Housing Tax Act Primer
Presenters: Colleen Ma
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand
Best Practices in working with an interpreter as Counsel
Presenter: Jeff Sermet & Jasmin Gerwein
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
Practice and Pointers: section 35.1 Applications under the CYFEA
Presenters: Judge R.J. O’Gorman, Erin Rosko, Terri Mair K.C. & Robert Omura
Elder Law - North Webcast, Elder Law (North), Elder On Demand, Elder Web , Elder On Demand
The Transition from Hospital to Continuing Care: Legal & Practical Considerations
Presenters: Dr. Anna Lund, Dr. Adrian Wagg & Amy Kasper
Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal Law (South)
MAID and Mental Illness: the Canadian Legal Landscape in 2023
Presenter: Rose Carter, K.C.
Articling Students Web, Articling Students On Demand, Articling Web, Articling On Demand
Articling Students | Provincial Video
Choosing a Practice Area
Presenters: Catherine Hamill, Andrew West, Efrayim Moldofsky & Stephan Pacholok
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Business Corporations Act Amendments Presenter: Laura M. Perram
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
The Ins-and-Outs of Port-of-Entry Applications in Alberta
Presenters: Jayme Hlushak & Irma Roberts
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | South Video
Ask an Arbitrator: What to consider when advising your clients whether to arbitrate
Presenters: Julie Hopkins, FCIArb.
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law & ADR | North Video
The Nominating Authority and Dispute resolution under the new PPCLA regime.
Presenter: Paul Conway & Stephen Carter-Edwards JD P.Eng
Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (North), Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | South Video
Tips for Examination of Sexual Assault Complainants
Presenters: Rebecca Snukal, Aleksandra Simic & Judge A.A. Fradsham
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand, Insolvency Web, Insolvency Law (South), Insolvency On Demand
Digital Asset Considerations for Insolvency Professionals
Presenters: Sam Gabor, Stephen Fergusson & Pouya Makki
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Annual Update on Contract Law Cases of Interest
Presenters: Lisa Peters K.C.
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Sole On Demand, Sole Web , Small, Solo & General Practice (South), Sole On Demand
Small, Solo, General Practice Law | North Video
Accounting software comparison: Cosmolex and Soluno (and others!)
Presenters: Slader Oviatt & Evan Clarke
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Why Immigration Practitioners get Sued – Tales from a Professional Negligence Lawyer
Presenters: Eoin Logan
CBA Alberta event
2023 CBA Alberta Annual General Meeting - Video
2023 CBA Alberta Annual General Meeting
CBA Alberta event
2023 CBA Alberta AGM Keynote Presentation - Video
2023 CBA Alberta AGM Keynote Presentation
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills, Estates & Trusts | North Video
Use of Private Corporation Shares to Achieve Your Clients' Philanthropic Legacy
Presenter: Hayley Maschek & Noel Xavier
Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Foreclosure Web South, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
View From the Bench – Tips and Tricks for successful advocacy from Justice Kachur
Presenters: Justice Sherry Kachur
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast, Technology On Demand, Technology & Intellectual Property Web, Technology & Intellectual Property On Demand
Technology & Intellectual Property | South Video
Madrid Protocol Trademark Practice Points and Pitfalls
Presenters: Janice Bereskin & Kate Stewart-Tiralongo
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | South Video
Understanding Drawings & Specifications: Why this matters to construction lawyers
Presenters: Russell Patterson & Kevin Harrison
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Sole On Demand, Sole Web , Small, Solo & General Practice (South), Sole On Demand
Small, Solo & General Practice | South Video
Do You Have it When You Need it?
Presenters: Blair Cashin & Michael Sarnecki
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
Mandatory minimum sentences and sentence considerations in the wake of Hills and Hilbach
Presenter: Paul Moreau
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Insolvency 101 – what business lawyers need to know in a recession
Presenters: Karen Fellowes
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | North Video
Simplicity in the Law of Judicial Review of Regulations: Auer and TransAlta
Presenter: Mark Mancini
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Law - Residential (South), Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law - Residential | South Video
Condominium Law Update
Presenters: Laurie S. Kiedrowski & Daniel G. MacAulay
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
Working with Expert Witnesses: Best Practices and Practical Tips
Presenters: Kyla Schauerte & Spencer Ord
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Labour Market Impact Assessments 101
Presenter: Nathan Po
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
View from the Bench
Presenters: Justice Robert W. Armstrong
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
Tech Talk: Deskwork tips and some rules and cases that should be on your radar
Presenter: Applications Judge S. Schlosser
Commercial Web, Commercial Property & Leasing (North), Commercial On Demand, Real Property Commercial Web, Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Commercial On Demand
Real Property Law - Commercial | South Video
New Foreign Ownership Rules
Presenters: Alixe Cameron
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
A Civil Procedure and Rules of Court Refresher: How to become a better litigator
Presenters: Brent Mielke & Michael Kirk
Elder Law - North Webcast, Elder Law (North), Elder On Demand, Elder Web , Elder On Demand
Essential Services For Our Senior Clients
Presenters: Heather Sackschewsky
Legal Research Webcast, Legal Research On Demand, Legal Research and Knowledge Management Web, Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South), Legal Research and Knowledge Management On Demand
Legal Research & Knowledge Management | South Video
The Same but Different: Effective Arbitration Research
Presenters: Romeo A Rojas
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
How are Young Lawyers Doing
Presenters: Loraine Champion
Family Web North, Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Section 9 Child Support in Shared Parenting - More than Just a Set-Off
Presenters: Laura Bruyer, Sheila Raffray & Mark Demas
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law | North Video
Environmental Risk and Liability
Presenter: Barry Rakewich
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | South Video
Advocacy Before Administrative Tribunals
Presenters: Parvez Khan, Keerat Sidhu, & Scott Poitras
Health Web North, Health On Demand, Health Web, Health Law (South), Health On Demand
Medical Ethics and Philosophies of Care
Presenters: Dr. Cheryl Mack
Natural Resources Webcast , Natural Resources On Demand, Natural Web, Natural Resources (South), Natural On Demand
Natural Resources | South Video
When Contracts Fail, There’s Always the Common Law: A look at recent KB energy decisions
Presenters: Nigel Bankes
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South), Labour On Demand
Labour & Employment Law | South Video
Workplace Investigations
Presenters: Rebecca Silverberg & Jody Sutherland
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law | North Video
GST and Agricultural Blended Transactions
Presenter: Colin Simmons
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
Typical Child Welfare Applications: Tips and Tricks
Presenters: Serena Eshaghurshan & Lauren Thiessen
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand
Important insurance case discussion with defence counsel: Abbas v Esurance Insurance Company of Canada
Presenter: Michael Thorne
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental Law | South Video
The Move to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Laws Across Canada
Presenters: Richard King & Sarah Greenwood
Commercial Web, Commercial Property & Leasing (North), Commercial On Demand, Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Commercial Web, Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Commercial On Demand, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Commercial Property & Leasing Law | North Video
Drafting effective commercial offers to purchase
Presenters: Graeme Swainson & Ryan Kemp
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand, InsuranceWeb, Insurance Law (South), Insurance On Demand
Discussion of the Decision in Abbas v Esurance Insurance Company of Canada, 2023 ABCA 36
Presenters: Michael Thorne & David Gould
Personal Web, Personal Injury On Demand, Personal Web, Personal Injury Law (South), Personal On Demand
Personal Injury Law | South Video
Consent to Operate a Motor Vehicle
Presenters: Christine A. Viney
Taxation Law (North), Taxation On Demand, Taxation Web South, Taxation Web , Taxation Law (South), Taxation On Demand
Tax Insurance
Presenters: Delani Thiel and Jeremy Matthies
ADR Web North, Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), ADR On Demand, ADR Web South, Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), ADR On Demand
Alternative Dispute Resolution | South Video
ALIA 101 for CBA ADR South Section
Presenters: Jessica Dorsey
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand
Creditor & Debtor Law | North Video
Risks Faced by Director of Insolvent Companies
Presenter: Darren R. Bieganek, K.C.
ADR Web North, Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), ADR On Demand, ADR Web South, Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), ADR On Demand
Alternative Dispute Resolution | North Video
Words Matter: The Necessity of Neutral Language for Success in ADR Processes
Presenter: Charmaine Panko, KC
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
How business structures and transactions affect separating clients, and recent family law decisions which business law lawyers should be aware of.
Presenters: Ken Proudman
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | South Video
Developments in Class Action Proceedings in Alberta
Presenters: Kajal Ervin, Gavin Price, Robyn Graham and Will Katz
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Electronic/Digital Assets: Estate Planning & Administration
Presenters: William Musani
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South)
Labour & Employment Law | North Video
Restrictive Covenant in Employment Contracts Refresher
Presenter: Dan Scott, KC
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | South Video
Cyber/Ransomware Planning and Insurance
Presenters: John Cassell & Dan Lewis
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand
Keeping the Foreclosure Process Civil
Presenters: Judith Hanebury K.C.
Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (North), Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | South Video
SCC and Legislative Update
Presenters: Lisa Silver & Shelley Tkatch K.C.
Aboriginal Law (North), Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal On Demand, Aboriginal Web South, Aboriginal Law (South), Aboriginal On Demand
Implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Canada: Challenges, Developments & Next Steps?
Presenters: Tom Isaac & Grace Wu
Legal Research Webcast, Legal Research On Demand, Legal Research and Knowledge Management Web, Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South), Legal Research and Knowledge Management On Demand
Legal Research & Knowledge Management | South Video
Mediation Brief Writing
Presenters: Sabri Shawa K.C.
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Update on the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act
Presenters: Michael Geib, Christiana Hadzoglou & Mackenzie Krochak
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | North Video
Bill C92 - Challenges and Strategies for Implementation
Presenters: The Honourable Judge Julie Lloyd &
Koren Lightning-Earle
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | North Video
Potpourri of Administrative Law Topics
Presenters: James Casey, KC & William Shores, KC
CBA Alberta event
2023 Distinguished Service Awards - Video
Jointly presented by the Law Society of Alberta and the Canadian Bar Association - Alberta, these prestigious awards shine a light on the outstanding contributions Alberta lawyers provide.
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Labour & Employment Law Year in Review
Presenters: Dave Foster
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills, Estates & Trusts | North Video
End of Life Options: An Introduction to Green Burials
Presenter: Susan Greer
Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Foreclosure Web South, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Understanding and Building Positive Client Interactions with Individuals with Personality Disorders
Presenters: Mike Dennis
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
The law of bail in Canada
Presenters: The Hon. Judge Donna Groves
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Sole On Demand, Sole Web , Small, Solo & General Practice (South), Sole On Demand
Small, Solo, General Practice Law | North Video
Tax Issues & Tips for Small Firms
Presenter: Chad Brown
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
ESG – Regulatory Requirement
Presenters: Dr. Fenner Stewart
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
Constructive Takings: When does a municipality need to pay?
Presenters: Malcolm Lavoie & Adrienne Funk
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Why we all Need to Know About The Rural Renewal Program
Presenters: Karen Howley, Jamie Collins, & Dawn Allen
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
2023 Costs Primer
Presenter: Applications Judge B. Summers
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast, Technology On Demand, Technology & Intellectual Property Web, Technology & Intellectual Property On Demand
Technology & Intellectual Property | South Video
Artificial Intelligence Text to Image Generators
Presenters: Kjelti Kellough
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Practice Management
Presenters: Craig Boyer & Aman Costigan
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | South Video
Drafting and Dealing With Complex Dispute Resolution Clauses
Presenters: Theron Davis & Tristen Pomerance
CBA Alberta event
2022 Human Rights Year in Review: Process Changes and Notable Decisions from the Alberta Human Rights Commission
Presenters: Kathryn Oviatt & Melissa Luhtanen
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
A Return of the Masters Class
Presenters: Andrew R. Robertson, K.C.
Family Web North, Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
TORTS & FAMILY LAW: What's New, What's Old, and Practical Considerations for making these Claims.
Presenter: Mary Jo Maur
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law | North Video
A Year in Review for the Environmental Appeals Board
Presenter: Gilbert Van Nes
Health Web North, Health On Demand, Health Web, Health Law (South), Health On Demand
LGBTQ2S+ Issues in Law – Medical Assistance in Dying
Presenters: Corey Prachniak-Rincon & Erin Nelson
Natural Resources Webcast , Natural Resources On Demand, Natural Web, Natural Resources (South), Natural On Demand
Natural Resources | South Video
Capturing the Lead
Presenters: Sander Duncanson & Paula Olexiuk
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law | North Video
Summary and Discussion on the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act
Presenter: Sharon Ohayon
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand
Tips for defence counsel in retaining and preparing effective economist and rebuttal reports
Presenter: Martin Valvano
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
School Sites: Joint Use Agreements for facilities shared by municipalities and school boards
Presenters: Alison Espetveidt & Hannah Oh
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
Evidence & the Role of Children's Counsel
Presenters: Judge D.B.H. Findlay, Susie McQuaid & Brad Spier
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental Law | South Video
The Coming Wave: Climate-related Disclosure
Presenters: Dr . Janis Sarra
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand, InsuranceWeb, Insurance Law (South), Insurance On Demand
Overview of Climate Change: Impact on Property & Liability Insurance Law
Presenters: Heather Sanderson
Constitutional Web, Constitutional & Human Rights Law (North), Constitutional On Demand, Constitutional Web, Constitutional On Demand
Constitutional & Human Rights Law | North Video
Nuts and Bolts of Constitutional Litigation
Presenter: Leah McDaniel
Taxation Law (North), Taxation On Demand, Taxation Web South, Taxation Web , Taxation Law (South), Taxation On Demand
Overview of Select Canadian Environmental Tax Initiatives
Presenters: Derrick Osborne
ADR Web North, Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), ADR On Demand, ADR Web South, Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), ADR On Demand
Alternative Dispute Resolution | South Video
A Conversation with the Law Society of Alberta about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Presenters: Susannah S. Alleyne
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand
Creditor & Debtor Law | North Video
Foreclosure and Insolvency Case Review
Presenter: Francis Price, KC & Stephanie Wanke
Taxation Law (North), Taxation On Demand, Taxation Web South, Taxation Web , Taxation Law (South), Taxation On Demand
Update on Proposed/Draft Legislation
Presenter: Scott McCamis
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Corporate Structuring and Taxation
Presenters: Byron Scott Beswick & Nader Parhamnia
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | South Video
Business Valuations for Litigation
Presenters: Scott Schellenberg
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand, Insolvency Web, Insolvency Law (South), Insolvency On Demand
Consumer Insolvency Update 2022
Presenters: Matthew Prieur
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | North Video
Remote working and privacy considerations
Presenters: Marc Yu & Jarett Schaumberger
Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal Law (South)
Reflecting on Bill 46: Developments in Health Regulatory Colleges Since the Divestment of Colleges and Associations
Presenter: Andrew Douglas
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Issues for Corporate and In-House Counsel in the experience of Law Society Practice Advisor
Presenters: Jesse Mackenzie
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Port of Entry Information from CBSA for 2023
Presenters: Duncan Paisley
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | South Video
Privacy Law for Non-Profits and Charities
Presenters: Erika Romanow & Adam LaRoche
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
Conditional Sentence Orders
Presenters: The Hon. Judge Francine Roy
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Canadian Privacy and Data Law Year in Review: Critical Infrastructure, AI Regulation, and Overhauling Privacy Laws
Presenters: Adam LaRoche, Erika Romanow
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | North Video
Internal Standard of Review - Did Vavilov Change Anything?
Presenter: Cameron Smart
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
What They Don't Know: Common Legal Issues and Considerations for Start-Up Companies
Presenters: Byron Tse
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Best Practices for Completing Refugee Claims Online
Presenter: Simon Yu
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law | North Video
The Future of Real Estate Practice
Presenter: Jay Krushell
Securities Web South, Securities On Demand, Securities Web , Securities On Demand
Regulatory Update: Focus on Non-GAAP Findings and Primary Business Changes
Presenters: Anne-Marie Landry & Roger Persaud
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Law - Residential (South), Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law - Residential | South Video
In Case You Missed it – An overview of the federal foreign buyer ban and other significant updates?
Presenters: Peter W. K. Ridout
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills, Estates & Trusts | North Video
Indigenous Issues in Wills & Estates
Presenters: Rebecca Blain & Sarah Kriekle
Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Foreclosure Web South, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Trials and Trial Preparation
Presenters: Sonja Lusignan & Staci Tannahill-Smith
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | South Video
Construction Arbitrations: Hot Topics in Construction Arbitration, Including an Update on Case Law
Presenters: William Kenny & Julie Hopkins
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Town Hall
Presenters: Will Katz, Mosi Taylor-Cole & Bronwhyn Simmons
Legal Research Webcast, Legal Research On Demand, Legal Research and Knowledge Management Web, Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South), Legal Research and Knowledge Management On Demand
Legal Research & Knowledge Management | South Video
How to Make the Boring Stuff Less Boring: Legal Citations and Noting Up Cases
Presenters: Christopher Samuel
Family Web North, Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
The Hardest Issues in Spousal Support
Presenter: Professor Rollie Thompson KC
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | South Video
The Standard of Review Applicable to Determining the Vires of Subordinate Legislation
Presenters: Martin Olszynski
Natural Resources Webcast , Natural Resources On Demand, Natural Web, Natural Resources (South), Natural On Demand
Natural Resources | South Video
Clash of the Titans - SCC Weighs in on the Validity of Arbitration Clauses in an Insolvency
Presenters: Joanne Luu & Randal Van de Mosselaer
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South), Labour On Demand
Labour & Employment Law | South Video
Labour & Employment Law Year in Review
Presenters: Jason Schlotter
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Collaborative Law: Calming the Waters of Estate Litigation
Presenters: Françoise H. Belzil
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
A Discussion of Annapolis
Presenters: Malcolm Lavoie
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
Private Guardianship Applications
Presenters: Sonja Lusignan, Meagan Watts, Suchetna Channan, Sasha Joshi
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
How to get the Best out of your Legal Interpreter?
Presenters: Jeffrey Sermet & Jasmin Gerwien
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental Law | South Video
Movement to Net Zero
Presenters: Leonardo Tovar & Adam Gaffney
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
How to get the Role - building your resume and cover letter for board positions, volunteer positions and new jobs in the legal profession.
Presenters: Meaghan Loughry & Susan Van Dyke
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand, InsuranceWeb, Insurance Law (South), Insurance On Demand
Cause and Origin Investigations for Commercial General Liability Claims
Presenters: Neil Ralston
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills, Estates & Trusts | North Video
Marketing for Estate Lawyers
Presenter: Sarah Short
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | South Video
Annual Construction Case Law Update
Presenters: CBA Alberta Construction Law South Section Executive
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast, Technology On Demand, Technology & Intellectual Property Web, Technology & Intellectual Property On Demand
Technology & Intellectual Property | South Video
The Small Stuff Matters: Definitions and Clauses in IP Agreements
Presenters: Scott Davidson
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Sole On Demand, Sole Web , Small, Solo & General Practice (South), Sole On Demand
Small, Solo, General Practice Law | North Video
Cyber Security Refresher: How to Protect Yourself and your Firm.
Presenters: Ryan Durrell and Elizabeth Aspinall
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Rollover Agreements or Business Reorganization
Presenters: Shannon James
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
Golf Pro: Huckulak and Workman
Presenter: The Hon. Judge Shelagh Creagh
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law | North Video
Avoiding Claims and Current Trends – a Discussion with ALIA
Presenters: Jesse Mackenzie &
Anna Lerch
Natural Resources Webcast , Natural Resources On Demand, Natural Web, Natural Resources (South), Natural On Demand
Natural Resources | South Video
“Digging into” the New Provincial and Federal Strategies for Critical Minerals
Presenters: Terri Lee Oleniuk & Hon. Doug Schweitzer ECA, K.C.
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
Updates to Dismissals for Delays - Rule 4.31 Amendment
Presenters: Darren LaRose & Coralie Mohr
Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Foreclosure Web South, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Imputing Income: Peters v Atchooay 2022 ABCA 347
Presenters: Tina Huizinga, K.C. & Dean Das
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Alternatives to Big Law - What Else is Out There?
Presenters: Tamara Andreoglou, Sheena Josan, Avnish Nanda & Cory Chan
Aboriginal Law (North), Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal On Demand, Aboriginal Web South, Aboriginal Law (South), Aboriginal On Demand
Judicial Recognition of Indigenous Legal Orders, and Compatibility with Historical and Modern exercise of Crown Sovereignty
Presenters: Joshua A. Jantzi
Family Web North, Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Peters v Atchooay 2022 ABCA 347 - The New Law on Imputing Income
Presenters: Tina Huizinga, K.C. & P. Scott Horne
Health Web North, Health On Demand, Health Web, Health Law (South), Health On Demand
Self-Represented Litigants (SLA) in the Context of Medical Malpractice and Health Law
Presenters: Jennifer Leitch, LLB, LLM, Ph D.
Taxation Law (North), Taxation On Demand, Taxation Web South, Taxation Web , Taxation Law (South), Taxation On Demand
Selected Tax Considerations in M&A Transactions
Presenters: Rami Pandher
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
A Continuation of Views from the Bench
Presenters: Judge Ailsby, Erin Barvir, & Glenda Lux
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
A Continuation of Views from the Bench
Presenters: Judge Ailsby, Erin Barvir, & Glenda Lux
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand
Brain Injuries and Concussions from the expertise of a neurosurgeon.
Presenter: Dr. Naraj Heran
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
Alberta’s Cemeteries Legislation
Presenters: Deborah Wagar
Elder Law - North Webcast, Elder Law (North), Elder On Demand, Elder Web , Elder On Demand
Complaints and investigation process conducted by the Public Guardian and Trustee under the Personal Directives Act and the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act.
Presenters: Melanie L. Blackwell and Sara O'Dea
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental Law | South Video
Update re: AER Liability Management Regime
Presenters: Sam Denstedt
Commercial Web, Commercial Property & Leasing (North), Commercial On Demand, Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Commercial Web, Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Commercial On Demand, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Commercial Property & Leasing Law | North Video
Commercial Financing: Tips and tricks to navigate an evolving marketplace.
Presenters: Cathy Farnell & Jonathan Calvert
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Introduction to the work of the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise
Presenters: Sheri Meyerhoffer
Personal Web, Personal Injury On Demand, Personal Web, Personal Injury Law (South), Personal On Demand
Personal Injury Law | South Video
Overview of the SEF 44 & Discussion of Nebozuk v Northbridge General Insurance Corp., 2022 ABQB 212
Presenters: Donna Purcell K.C.
Articling Students Web, Articling Students On Demand, Articling Web, Articling On Demand
Articling Students | Provincial Video
Drafting Pleadings
Presenters: Stacy Petriuk K.C.
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South)
Labour & Employment Law | North Video
Summary Judgment and Wrongful Dismissal - back up for debate?
Presenter: Todd Lee
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | North Video
Immigration Considerations for the Construction Industry: Addressing Skilled Labour Shortages with Personnel from Abroad.
Presenters: Nathan Po
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | North Video
Privacy Dark Patterns: A Case for Regulatory Reform in Canada
Presenter: Ademola Adeyoju
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | North Video
Children and Family Violence
Presenters: Jessica Chapman & Gwen May
Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal Law (South)
LEAF Presents: An insight on reproductive justice
Presenter: Tiffany Stokes & Kat Owens
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Going from NOC to TEER
Presenters: Alicia Backman-Beharry
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Considerations for Website Terms and Conditions of Businesses
Presenter: Richard Stobbe
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | South Video
Dismissal For Delay: ALIA’s Amendment to Rule 4.31
Presenters: Darren LaRose & Preston Brasch
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | South Video
Self-Help Remedies in a Construction Contract
Presenters: Bryan C. Duguid K.C. & Jason D. Roth
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | South Video
Privacy Incident & Breach Management is a Team Sport
Presenters: Gustavo Gil
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
View from the Bench
Presenters: Justice G.D. Marriott
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Minimizing risk of IP Infringement to Businesses & What to do if Your IP Right is Infringed?
Presenters: Doak Horne
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | North Video
The Administration of Justice: Reflections on Rosalie Abella's Contributions to Canadian Administrative Law
Presenter: Dr. Matthew Lewans
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
Electronic Evidence
Presenter: Dane Bullerwell
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
To JR or not to JR: litigating immigration refusals at the Federal Court
Presenter: Richard Wazana
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Law - Residential (South), Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law - Residential | South Video
RPRs - Compliance and Encroachment – Update and Issues
Presenters: Jocelyn Matthews, Taylor Kornblum, Dennise Derkzen Van Angeren & Gurpreet Dhillon
Securities Web South, Securities On Demand, Securities Web , Securities On Demand
An Overview of the New SEDAR+ System
Presenters: Jonathan Taylor & Brenda Davis
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
Update on Legal Defense Fund Initiatives from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Stéphane Émard-Chabot
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills, Estates & Trusts | North Video
Access to Digital Assets by Fiduciaries
Presenter: Stella Varvis
Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Foreclosure Web South, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Appellate Advocacy - Tips, Advice, and Filing Deadlines
Presenters: Andy Hayher K.C., Diane Harms K.C. & Laurie Baptiste
Charities Law (Provincial), Charities On Demand, Charities Law (Provincial), Charities On Demand
Charities Law | Provincial Video
Getting Ready for 2023
Presenters: Kathy Hawkesworth & Yvonne Chenier K.C.
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental Law | South Video
Regulatory Aspects of Electrification
Presenters: Daniel B.R. Johnson
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
Family & Youth Provincial Court Town Hall
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Social Media for Lawyers - Best Practices from a Marketing Team for Lawyers.
Presenters: Sebastian Vives & Austina Turczyn
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law | North Video
Canada's Climate Change Constitutional Conundrum: Reference re Impact Assessment Act
Presenter: Andrew Leach, PhD, MA, LLM, BSc
Family Web North, Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Providing employability/capacity for work by "stay at home" spouses after long-term relationships.
Presenters: Robert M. Curtis, K.C. & Doug Conway
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | South Video
The Power to Participate: Standing in Administrative Law Matters
Presenters: Scott Birse & Matt Hammer
Health Web North, Health On Demand, Health Web, Health Law (South), Health On Demand
Alternatives to The Traditional Medicine Model.
Presenters: Dr. Julie Hong
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South), Labour On Demand
Labour & Employment Law | South Video
COVID-19 Post-Mortem: Our learnings
Presenters: Erin Ludwig, Joel Fairbrother & Jackie Laviolette
Natural Resources Webcast , Natural Resources On Demand, Natural Web, Natural Resources (South), Natural On Demand
Natural Resources | South Video
Bringing the Heat: Geothermal Energy Development in Alberta
Presenters: Lars Olthafer & Marc Colombina
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law | North Video
LTO Delay and the Return Submission Pilot
Presenters: Curtis Woollard
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
Giving Summary Legal Advice
Presenter: Tim Patterson
Legal Research Webcast, Legal Research On Demand, Legal Research and Knowledge Management Web, Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South), Legal Research and Knowledge Management On Demand
Legal Research & Knowledge Management | South Video
LexisNexis : Context
Presenters: Connie Braun
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand, InsuranceWeb, Insurance Law (South), Insurance On Demand
Things I Wish Every Insurance Defence Lawyer Understood (or Knew)
Presenters: Peter Cline
Personal Web, Personal Injury On Demand, Personal Web, Personal Injury Law (South), Personal On Demand
Personal Injury Law | South Video
Interest(ed) in Jackson v Cooper, 2022 ABKB 609? The Little Case That Could
Presenters: Tara Cassidy
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand
Creditor & Debtor Law | North Video
Exemptions under the Civil Enforcement Act and How They Operate in Bankruptcy
Presenter: Anna Lund & Dana Nowak
Commercial Web, Commercial Property & Leasing (North), Commercial On Demand, Real Property Commercial Web, Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Commercial On Demand
Real Property Law - Commercial | South Video
Changes to the Builder’s Lien Act
Presenters: Michael Bokhaut
ADR Web North, Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), ADR On Demand, ADR Web South, Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), ADR On Demand
Alternative Dispute Resolution | South Video
Speed It Up: Novel ADR Solutions
Presenters: The Honourable Kristine M. Eidsvik K.C. & Andrew Robertson K.C.
Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal Law (South)
Lending from the First Nations Finance Authority
Presenters: Rachel McAllister & Elias R. Laing
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand
Views from an Eonomist
Presenters: Derek Aldridge & Laura Weir
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
A Discussion of Affordable Housing
Presenters: Jaydan Tait
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
Views from the Bench: Practical Tips for Advocacy
Presenters: Justice Arcand-Kootenay, Judge Mah, Judge Ailsby
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
"We command": mandamus relief in immigration law
Presenter: Raj Sharma, K.C.
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | North Video
Presenter: Kristi York
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand, Insolvency Web, Insolvency Law (South), Insolvency On Demand
Reverse Vesting Orders – A Roundtable Discussion
Presenters: Chris Simard, Dustin Olver, James Reid
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | South Video
Using Civility as a Strategic Tool
Presenters: Eugene Meehan K.C.
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand
Tips and Traps Regarding Sections 3 and 8 of the Interest Act
Presenters: Shaun MacIsaac & Shawna Nahal
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
IP and Trademark Law for Non-IP Lawyers
Presenters: Rob McDonald, K.C.
CBA Alberta event
Access to Justice, Data and Advocacy | Video
Access to Justice, Data and Advocacy
Presenters: Amanda Lindberg & David Hiebert, K.C.
Taxation Law (North), Taxation On Demand, Taxation Web South, Taxation Web , Taxation Law (South), Taxation On Demand
Tax Tips and Traps for Wealth and Succession Planning.
Presenters: Dane ZoBell & Athena Sturmay
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Trauma-Informed Lawyering
Presenters: Kelly Ernst & LuElla Gaultier
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Behind the Scenes at the Courthouse
Presenters: Court of King's Bench Clerks
ADR Web North, Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), ADR On Demand, ADR Web South, Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), ADR On Demand
Alternative Dispute Resolution | North Video
Mind Your Bias
Presenter: Paulette DeKelver
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Presentation Title Here
Presenters: Firstname Lastname & Firstname Lastname
Privacy Web North, Privacy & Access Law (North), Privacy On Demand, Privacy Web, Privacy On Demand
Privacy & Access Law | South Video
2022 - Privacy Year in Review
Presenters: Adam LaRoche
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South)
Labour & Employment Law | North Video
COVID Law Update
Presenter: Lee Carter
Aboriginal Law (North), Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal On Demand, Aboriginal Web South, Aboriginal Law (South), Aboriginal On Demand
Credible Assertion and the Representation of Indigenous Groups
Presenters: Gary Perkins
Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal Law (South)
Case Law and Legislative Update - 2022 Edition
Presenter: Annabritt Chisholm
Small, Solo & General Practice (North), Sole On Demand, Sole Web , Small, Solo & General Practice (South), Sole On Demand
Small, Solo & General Practice | South Video
Sowing Well-Being into Your Law Firm - And Reaping the Results
Presenters: Loraine Champion
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | North Video
Recent case law on the tests for stays and interlocutory injunctions in the administrative context.
Presenter: Shauna Finlay
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Energy Storage Policy for O&G and Electricity – Derisking Energy Investment
Presenters: Dr. James W. Coleman
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
SCC decision in R v JJ
Presenters: Will Van Engen & Deb Alford
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
Problem Properties: Definitions, Options and Solutions
Tracy Esch, Cameron Ashmore & Derek King
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Law - Residential (South), Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law - Residential | South Video
Avoiding claims – A Discussion with ALIA
Presenters: Kyle MacLeod & Jesse Mackenzie
Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal Law (South)
Emerging Legal Issues for Metis in Alberta
Presenters: Clayton Leonard
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Myth Busting - Clearing the misconceptions in the practice of law for young lawyers.
Presenters: Kevin Haldane, Craig Brusnyk & Marcus Ostrowerka
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental Law | South Video
Canada's New Clean Fuel Regulations
Presenters: Claire Lingley
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | South Video
The Critical Path to the Critical Path: Understanding Construction Scheduling
Presenters: Louis Chartrand
Legal Research Webcast, Legal Research On Demand, Legal Research and Knowledge Management Web, Legal Research & Knowledge Management (South), Legal Research and Knowledge Management On Demand
Legal Research & Knowledge Management | South Video
Legal Research and Writing for Articling Students and Junior Lawyers
Presenters: Rachel Clarke
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law | North Video
'Hog Wild' A Presentation on the Impacts and Legal Response to Alberta's Growing Invasive Swine Species
Presenter: Jacob Marchel
Family Web North, Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
What's New in Law Reform
Presenters: Katherine MacKenzie & Stella Varvis
Health Web North, Health On Demand, Health Web, Health Law (South), Health On Demand
Health Law and Reconciliation
Presenters: Michelle Robinson
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South), Labour On Demand
Labour & Employment Law | South Video
Awarding Wrongful Dismissal Damages – What are the Courts Telling Us?
Presenters: Allie Laurent
Natural Resources Webcast , Natural Resources On Demand, Natural Web, Natural Resources (South), Natural On Demand
Natural Resources | South Video
Are We Entering into an Energy and Environmental Constitutional Crisis?
Presenters: Professor Martin Olszynski
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Should Alberta Recognize Electronic Wills?
Presenters: Matthew Mazurek
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
The New Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act
Presenter: Jeremy Taitinger
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand, InsuranceWeb, Insurance Law (South), Insurance On Demand
We Predict Human Injury in Any Environment
Presenters: Dr. Geoffrey Desmoulin
Constitutional Web, Constitutional & Human Rights Law (North), Constitutional On Demand, Constitutional Web, Constitutional On Demand
Constitutional & Human Rights Law | North Video
The Approach to Damages at the Alberta Human Rights Commission Tribunal: Recent Cases and Developing Trends
Presenters: Kathryn Oviatt & Melissa Luhtanen
Personal Web, Personal Injury On Demand, Personal Web, Personal Injury Law (South), Personal On Demand
Personal Injury Law | South Video
EXPERTS: WHO NEEDS THEM? Neuropsychology, Occupational Therapy, and Vocational Experts
Presenters: Doug Conway & Silvia Henning
Taxation Law (North), Taxation On Demand, Taxation Web South, Taxation Web , Taxation Law (South), Taxation On Demand
What You Missed While on Vacation: Spring/Summer 2022 Tax Proposals
Presenters: Adam Unick
WLF Web North, Women Lawyers' Forum (North), WLF On Demand, Women Lawyers Forum Web, WLF On Demand
Women Lawyers Forum | North Video
Update from the Law Society of Alberta
Presenter: Cory Ghitter, K.C.
CBA Alberta event
From Stressful to Mindful to Joyful: 6 Bold Steps to Success and Happiness in the Law - VIDEO
Presented by: Dr. Larry Krieger
Commercial Web, Commercial Property & Leasing (North), Commercial On Demand, Real Property Commercial Web, Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Commercial On Demand
Real Property Law - Commercial | South Video
Market Update
Presenters: Mason Lam, Ron Odagaki, Ryan Haney & Ryan Murphy
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
Exploring Parent/Child Contact Problems
Presenters: Katharine Mooney
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand
Discussion on Vehicle Data Forensics
Presenters: Harrison Griffiths & Raffi Engeian
Elder Law - North Webcast, Elder Law (North), Elder On Demand, Elder Web , Elder On Demand
Deep Dive into RDSPs and Disability Tax Credit
Presenters: Gordon VanderLeek and Annie VanderLeek
CBA Alberta event
Land Acknowledgement Workshop | ON DEMAND
2022-23 Leadership Forum Series
Presenter: Annie Korver (Principle, Rise Consulting)
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Lobbying Law and Election Finances Law: Compliance Update for Alberta General Counsel
Presenter: Guy Giorno, Partner | Leader, Political Law, Fasken
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand
Foreclosure Law Section Discussion
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Psychological Assessments, Mental Health, and Immigration in Canada
Presenters: Dr. Terry Singh & Michael Greene K.C.
Articling Students Web, Articling Students On Demand, Articling Web, Articling On Demand
Articling Students | Provincial Video
Surviving Articling
Presenters: Joe Heap, Shuna Williams, Lisa Rodriguez
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | South Video
A Business Valuator’s Perspective on Post-Acquisition Disputes
Presenters: Dean Das
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
Municipal & Construction Law Joint | North Video
Alberta's Newly In-Force Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act
Curtis Coollard
ADR Web North, Alternative Dispute Resolution (North), ADR On Demand, ADR Web South, Alternative Dispute Resolution (South), ADR On Demand
Alternative Dispute Resolution | South Video
Future of JDR in Our Court, OPCAs & Vexatious Litigants
Presenters: Associate Chief Justice John Rooke
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | North Video
Views from the Bench: Tips, Tricks and Thoughts from the Top.
Presenter: The Hon. Judge D.G. Hancock
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand, Insolvency Web, Insolvency Law (South), Insolvency On Demand
A Day in the Life of a Trustee
Presenters: Christopher Keliher
Corporate Web , CCCA (North), Corporate On Demand, CCCA Web South, CCCA (South), CCCA On Demand
Which Hat am I Wearing Today?
Presenters: Allan Guty
Immigration Webcast North, Immigration Law (North), Immigration On Demand, Immigration Web, Immigration Law (South), Immigration On Demand
Post-Summer Immigration Updates and Social
Presenters: Anna Kuranicheva & Leticia Siu
Securities Web South, Securities On Demand, Securities Web , Securities On Demand
Update on Securities Class Actions
Presenters: Justin Lambert & Andrew Wilson K.C.
Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Law - Residential (South), Real Property Residential On Demand
Real Property Law - Residential | South Video
Tips and Tricks
Presenters: Sean McHugh, Candice Clark & Lynda Frizell
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Wills, Estates & Trusts | North Video
Presentation Title Here
Presenters: Firstname Lastname & Firstname Lastname
Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Foreclosure Web South, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Three Cases You May Have Missed Over the Summer
Presenters: Casey McQueen, Rebecca Blain, & Sadaf Raja
Construction Law Web, Construction Law (North), Construction On Demand, Construction Web, Construction Law (South), Construction On Demand
Construction Law | South Video
2021 Changes to Alberta's OHS Act
Presenters: Steve Eichler
Technology & Inellectual Property - South Webcast, Technology On Demand, Technology & Intellectual Property Web, Technology & Intellectual Property On Demand
Technology & Intellectual Property | South Video
Data Privacy Update
Presenters: Shannon Peddlesden
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | North Video
Judicial Review: A View From The Bench
Presenters: The Hon. Madam Justice Bonnie Bokenfohr
Aboriginal Law (North), Aboriginal Full, Aboriginal On Demand, Aboriginal Web South, Aboriginal Law (South), Aboriginal On Demand
A Conversation With the First Indigenous (Past) CBA President, Brad Regehr K.C.
Presenters: Brad Regehr K.C.
Environmental, Energy & Resources Web North, Environmental, Energy & Resources Law (North), Environmental, Energy & Resources On Demand, Environmental Web, Environmental On Demand
Environmental, Energy & Resources Law | North Video
Careers & Opportunities in Environmental Law
Presenters: Annemarie Clarke, Rebecca Kauffman, Fiona Vance & Jacob Marchele
Business Web North, Business Law (North), Business On Demand, Business Web South, Business Law (South), Business On Demand
Comments on Dispute Resolution Matters
Presenters: Rob Rakochey, Field Law
Criminal Web, Criminal On Demand, Criminal Web, Criminal Justice (South), Criminal On Demand
Criminal Justice | North Video
Updates on the law of consent in sexual violence cases.
Presenters: Alexandra Seaman & Shelley Bykewich, Q.C.
Labour & Employment Law (North), Labour On Demand, Labour Web, Labour & Employment Law (South), Labour On Demand
Labour & Employment Law | South Video
Tips, Tricks and Trends from the Alberta Labour Relations Board
Presenters: Bill Armstrong Q.C. & William (Bill) Johnson Q.C.
Natural Resources Webcast , Natural Resources On Demand, Natural Web, Natural Resources (South), Natural On Demand
Natural Resources | South Video
Canadian LNG: Current Opportunities, Issues, and Obstacles
Presenters: Sean Assié & Vivek Warrier
Civil Web, Civil Litigation (North), Civil On Demand, Civil Web, Civil Litigation (South), Civil On Demand
Civil Litigation | North Video
Summary Judgment Applications
Presenters: The Hon. Mr. Justice Robert A. Graesser
Wills Web North, Wills Full, Wills On Demand, Wills Web , Wills & Trusts (South), Wills On Demand
Tax Strategy – Current Views on Trusts and Estates
Presenters: Nizam Shajani
Insurance Web North, Insurance Law (North), Insurance On Demand, InsuranceWeb, Insurance Law (South), Insurance On Demand
Talk on Ransomware and Cyber Insurance Issues
Presenters: Matt Saunders
Young Lawyers Web North, Young Lawyers (North), Young On Demand, Young Web , Young Lawyers (South), Young On Demand
Lawyer Mental Health
Presenters: Loraine Champion
Administrative Web North, Administrative Law (North), Administrative On Demand, Administrative Web South, Administrative Law (South), Administrative On Demand
Administrative Law | South Video
Law Society of Saskatchewan v. Abrametz, 2022 SCC 29
Presenters: James Casey K.C., Katrina Haymond K.C., & Lorenz Berner
Family Web North, Family Law (North), Family On Demand, Family Web, Family Law (South), Family On Demand
Digital Divisions: A Primer on Cryptocurrency in Family Law.
Presenter: Justin Di Liello
Creditors Web, Creditor & Debtor Law (North), Creditors On Demand
Creditor & Debtor Law | North Video
Case Review
Presenters: Francis Price, Q.C.& Stephanie Wanke
Commercial Web, Commercial Property & Leasing (North), Commercial On Demand, Real Property Residential On Demand, Real Property Web R North, Real Property Commercial Web, Real Property Law - Commercial (South), Real Property Commercial On Demand, Real Property Residential Web, Real Property Residential On Demand
Commercial Property & Leasing Law | North Video
Common Leasing Pitfalls - Clauses to be Aware of in Commercial Leases.
Presenters: Graham Barr, Partner, Barr LLP & Brandon Hans, Barr LLP
Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (North), Child & Youth Law On Demand, Child & Youth Law Web, Child & Youth Law (South), Child & Youth Law On Demand
Child & Youth Law | South Video
Panel Presentation Re: Appeals
Presenters: Madam Justice J. Strekaf, Laurie Baptiste & Crystal Thompson
Municipal Web North, Municipal Law (North), Municipal On Demand, Municipal Web, Municipal Law (South), Municipal On Demand
First Nation Urban Development Areas aka “Urban Reserve”
Presenters: David McGillvray, & Neil Barss
CBA Alberta event
Build Your Financial Literacy: Understanding financial tools (VIDEO)
2021-22 CBA Alberta Leadership Forum
Build Your Financial Literacy: Understanding financial tools
3:00 - 4:30 p.m. (MT)
Speaker: Jillian Murdoch, CPA, CA
CBA Alberta event
The Meaning of Reconciliation to Legal Professionals - VIDEO
EDI Webinar Series
The Meaning of Reconciliation to Legal Professionals
On Demand
Presenters: Andrea Menard & Marc Bhalla
CBA Alberta event
Muslim Lawyers in Alberta Panel - VIDEO
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee Webinar Series In partnership with the Alberta Chapter of the Canadian Muslim Lawyers' Association