Alberta Committees
Access to Justice
Promotes public awareness, understanding and respect for the judicial system through the development and implementation of branch initiatives such as Access to Justice Week.
Agenda for Justice & Advocacy
Reviews and coordinates CBA Alberta’s submissions and responses to the government, the courts or other partners in the legal community. It is responsible for the review and coordination of backgrounds and positions in the Agenda for Justice.
Responsible for the publication of Law Matters, CBA Alberta’s digital magazine. This leading resource for Alberta lawyers covers the important news, trends, legislation and decisions of the moment, and provides a voice for influential legal analysis from our talented contributors.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Supports the legal profession’s work on equality issues, promotes initiatives to eliminate discrimination, and works on resolutions that advance equality and diversity.
Inns of Court
Organizes the Inns of Court programs to provide an opportunity for early-career lawyers to develop professionally through education and networking with senior members of the bench and bar.
Leader Development
Develops processes and strategies to target, support and recruit present and future leaders from CBA Alberta’s membership of energized and diverse volunteers.
Legislation & Law Reform
Reviews bills introduced in the Alberta Legislature, provides comments, and publishes the bi-annual Legislative Review Summary.
Voice of the Profession
Works on issues impacting the legal profession in Alberta, including solicitor-client privilege, regulation of the legal profession and other emerging issues.