Our advocacy works

At CBA Alberta, we advocate for issues that matter to our members. We work to improve the law and access to justice through submissions, committee appearances and more.

Close up of a bronze Statue of Justice.

CBA Alberta is your collective voice for law reform and government policy.

On the frontlines of our justice system, we work on your behalf to impact legislative, regulatory and policy development, and protect the professional interests of lawyers in Alberta. Through our work we ensure that the voices of legal professionals are heard by government, the Courts, regulators and other key stakeholders. 

CBA Alberta encourages members to participate in our public policy and advocacy work. Members can work with Sections and Committees to propose a statement or submission on matters that are important to them, or are encouraged to reach out to the Agenda for Justice & Advocacy or Voice of the Profession committees.

More information about statements and submissions are available in the Public Statements & Submissions Policy.

Advocacy in Action

Here is what we have been working on lately: