Call for Volunteers: Lawyers Financial Board of Directors

March 25, 2025

Jim Lebo, KC, Past Chair of Lawyers Financial and Chair of the Nominating Committee of Lawyers Financial, has requested that CBA Alberta submit potential candidates from Alberta for the Board of Directors of Lawyers Financial to fill the vacancy upon his retirement from the Board on December 1, 2025.

Lawyers Financial, formerly The Canadian Bar Insurance Association (CBIA), is a not-for-profit organization that supports Canada’s legal community through pro bono financial planning and by sponsoring high-quality investment and insurance solutions.

Candidates will be considered for a two-year appointment, commencing December 1, 2025, with eligibility for further election to a maximum of three terms or as otherwise permitted in Lawyers Financial Policies.

Lawyers Financial will take into consideration the following criteria, personal characteristics of potential directors and the Board make-up as a whole, when electing new directors:

  1. Achievement of appropriate competencies personal attributes, experience (including previous corporate Board experience), abilities and demographic characteristics including language, stage of practice and practice type, considered both individually and in the context of the Board of Directors as a whole;
  1. Inclusion of individuals from diverse communities including: Indigenous people, people of all ethnic and national origins, anglophones and francophones, people from racialized communities, people with disabilities, people from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit and queer community, and people of different ages and socioeconomic status;
  1. Achievement of gender parity where possible and while keeping the above criteria in mind; and
  1. Candidates who are prepared to make the commitment of the time and work to fulfill the obligations as a member of the Board of Directors of Lawyers Financial.

CBA Alberta members in good standing who wish to be considered for this volunteer opportunity should:

  1. Review Lawyers Financial Board Administrative Policies: Election of Lawyers Financial Board of Directors and Expectations of the Lawyers Financial Board of Directors.
  1. Submit your a) Letter of interest outlining qualifications and b) Curriculum vitae to:

    Maureen Armitage, Executive Director
    Canadian Bar Association – Alberta Branch
    710, 777 - 8 Avenue SW
    Calgary AB  T2P 3R5

The deadline for submission is noon, April 16, 2025.

The CBA Alberta Branch Executive will select three people to put forward as nominees to the Nominating Committee of Lawyers Financial, one of whom will be selected by the Nominating Committee to sit on the Board.