Upgrade your membership and save

Get more out of your CBA membership.

Confident black business woman

Upgrade to Portfolio or Portfolio Plus for extra benefits and savings, like education credits that you can apply to:

  • Live and on-demand programs
  • Section enrolment fees
  • Conferences and events

You also receive rebate rewards that apply to the following year’s membership dues.

You must be a CBA member to purchase Portfolio or Portfolio Plus. You may upgrade at any time during your membership year.

Portfolio and Portfolio Plus benefits

$200 to your membership fee)
$400 to your membership fee)
Access to resources, tools and publicationsCheck markcheck markcheck mark
Preferred pricing on PD programs and activitiescheck markcheck markcheck mark
Networkingcheck markcheck markcheck mark
Advocacy and initiativescheck markcheck markcheck mark
CCCA membership for in-house counselcheck markcheck markcheck mark
Preferred pricing on insurance and investment solutions with Lawyers Financialcheck markcheck markcheck mark
CBA education credits
Rebate rewards
3% on eligible purchases5% on eligible purchases
Section enrollments
1 on-demand Section subscription3 on-demand Section subscriptions

How to upgrade to Portfolio or Portfolio Plus

If you’re currently a CBA member, contact our Member Services team in Ottawa at memberservice@cba.org or call 1-800-267-8860 and they’ll be happy to help.

Not yet a CBA member?

Join today and get extra value out of your membership by adding Portfolio or Portfolio Plus.