Parental Leave Benefit Program
This program is available to all CBA members on parental leave. If your CBA membership was in good standing the previous membership year, you may be eligible for a maximum credit of 12 months towards your membership fees.
Waiver of Dues Program
This program is available to all regular CBA members who are unemployed and actively seeking employment or on a leave of absence due to illness or disability. If your CBA membership was in good standing the previous membership year, you may be eligible to have your membership fees waived for a period up to 1 year.
CBA Alberta Compassionate Dues Relief Program
This program is available to CBA Alberta members who do not otherwise qualify for either of the national dues relief programs listed above. It is meant for lawyers who are struggling in their practice due to unexpected circumstances or who are experiencing undue financial hardship.
Those lawyers who are accepted into the program agree to enroll in (and pay the related fees) and regularly attend the meetings of at least one of the CBA Alberta Sections.
If you are interested in this program, please complete the application form and submit it to the Alberta Branch. For more information on the program, please contact CBA Alberta member services at
Have questions? We have answers.
Contact our Member Services team in Alberta at or (403) 263-3707.