Cecilia Johnstone Award for Outstanding Service

Named in honour of the first female president of CBA Alberta, who went on serve as national president of the CBA, and was a champion for lawyers across the country. This award recognizes exceptional involvement, dedication, and service to our organization.

Illustration of a gold trophy with the CBA scales of justice icon on a light blue background.

Justice Cecilia Johnstone passed away in April 2006, and in March 2007 the Outstanding Service Award was officially renamed the Cecilia Johnstone Award for Outstanding Service in honour of her memory.


  • any member of the Canadian Bar Association Alberta Branch in good standing
  • members of the Executive Committee of the Branch are not eligible for the award
  • Past Presidents of the Branch are ineligible for the award for a period of two years following the expiration of their term on the Executive Committee
  • no more than one award may be awarded in any one year
  • no award needs to be granted in any one year
  • there are no posthumous awards


The award will be presented at a CBA Alberta event in a time and manner appropriate for the prestige of the award. If required, recipients of the award will have their travel expenses paid to attend the awards presentation, in accordance with the existing policies and procedures of the Alberta Branch.

Nomination procedure

  • Members of the CBA Alberta Board of Directors, or any current Section chair may make nominations
  • Nominations shall be accompanied by a letter disclosing the nominee’s name, address, telephone number, and a brief submission outlining the nominee’s suitability for the award.
  • All supporting documentation shall be submitted to the Edmonton or Calgary offices of the Alberta Branch by April 30.

Selection process

The selection committee includes the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, and the Executive Director of the Alberta Branch. The selection committee also includes one North and one South Section Coordinator.


Cecilia Johnstone Award for Outstanding Service
Canadian Bar Association - Alberta Branch
710, 777 - 8 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 3R5
P: 403-263-3707, F: 403-265-8581
Email: mail@cba-alberta.org

Past Recipients

2023: Randall Osgoode, K.C.

2015: Justice Gillian D. Marriott

2013: William Ranson, K.C.

2008: Craig Kinsman

2007: E. (Sonny) Mirth, K.C.

2006: James Lebo, K.C.

2005: Justice Cecilia Johnstone

2004: Randal Penman