As a member of the Board, you will support the governance of CBA Alberta, and contribute in important areas such as advocacy and policy. Serving on the Board of Directors also provides an opportunity to sharpen your professional skills, build your network among leaders on the bench, among the bar, and in government, and strengthen your leadership skills.
Board nominations and elections
Nominations for the CBA Alberta Executive Committee Secretary and open Board of Directors positions open annually in the spring, with the election period (if required) following. All regular and scholar members of the association are eligible for nomination for these positions (with select Board of Directors positions reserved for young lawyers and members practicing outside of Calgary and Edmonton), and to cast a ballot. Read more about voting eligibility in Section 2.5 of the Branch Bylaws.
Frequently asked questions
What is the structure of the Board?
The CBA Alberta Board of Directors has 13 members:
- 5 executive members: Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President, President, Past President
- 8 directors:
- 2 designated geographical members - 1 each from North Alberta (outside Edmonton) and South Alberta (outside Calgary)
- 2 designated young lawyer members - 1 each from North Alberta and South Alberta
- 4 Directors at Large
What is the mandate of the Board?
The Board of Directors is empowered to “manage and supervise the management of the activities and affairs of CBA Alberta and oversee the implementation of the policies and operations of CBA Alberta.”
Who is eligible to run for the Board of Directors?
Board members must be members in good standing of the CBA, not bankrupt, and residents of Alberta.
- Former members of the executive committee and directors of the CBA National Board must wait 2 years before they are eligible to run for the CBA Alberta Board
- Board members and directors of the CBA National Board must wait one year before running for Secretary of the Branch
- Members cannot run for both the Office of Secretary and the Board at the same time
- Terms are 2-year staggered terms, renewable for one term only (i.e., 4 years maximum)
What are CBA Alberta's strategic priorities?
The Board has identified six vision elements for the next five years (2022 - 2026):
- Powerful advocacy
- Adaptive and innovative practice
- Committed membership
- Healthy culture within the profession
- Wellness in practice
- High-performance board leadership
What is the time commitment?
Board members are expected to be available and attend the following meetings and events:
- Annual Board Retreat and Orientation
- 3 Board meetings
- Annual General Meeting
- Alberta Lawyer Insight Series
*It is anticipated that all the above meetings will be full-day commitments, with the exception of the annual retreat meeting and orientation which will be 2 days, usually a Friday and Saturday.
Board members are expected to be available and attend all of the above.
Travel is involved between North and South (generally Calgary and Edmonton and possibly other communities as well). Official Board travel is reimbursed in accordance with the Branch Travel Expense Policy.
Board materials are sent at least one week in advance to provide members with an opportunity to review and prepare for deliberations.
Members of the Executive Committee will have additional responsibilities, including 10 Excecutive Committee meetings, stakeholder and government meetings, Branch conferences (if any), and annual volunteer appreciation dinners/receptions. They may also be asked to take on additional representative or ambassadorial duties, which may include speaking at swearing-in ceremonies, attending welcome and recruitment events at law schools, participation in Section workshops and regional events, representing CBA Alberta on other board, advisory councils or committees, and attending other stakeholder events such as award ceremonies.
Are there additional commitments required?
Board members may choose to deepen their engagement by serving as liaisons to the various CBA Alberta committees, or on other Board-created task forces or working groups. On occasion, a Board member may be asked to officially represent CBA at some event.
How do I join the Board?
In 2025, CBA Alberta is recruiting for 2 Director at Large positions, 1 North Young Lawyer position and 1 South Lawyer (outside Calgary) position. Candidates who meet the criteria for the designated positions are also eligible for the director at large positions.
- The call for nominations will run from April 1 – 25, 2025, and nomination packages will be available on the website at that time.
- Every nomination must be signed by 3 voting members of the Branch and must be returned by the close of nominations at NOON on April 25, 2025
- An election if required will be held from May 1 - 26, 2025. At the commencement of the voting period, the Voters (all eligible voting members of the Branch, namely Active Regular and Scholar members holding membership for year 2024 - 2025 and Honorary members who have paid the fees by end of day April 30, 2025) will be electronically sent biographical information on each of the candidates, along with the link to their ballots and the date to return their completed ballot
- Election is a “first past the post” system with provisions to ensure that the “designated” Director positions are filled first
For more information, please consult the CBA Alberta Bylaws.