CBA Alberta awards 2023 Cecilia Johnstone Award to Randall Osgood

June 19, 2023

Meikle-Law-Randy-123_sq.jpgOn Thursday, June 15, the CBA Alberta was pleased to present Mr. Randall (Randy) Osgood with the Cecilia Johnstone Award for Outstanding Service.

Randy Osgood graduated from the University of Alberta Faculty of Law in 1983, was called to the Alberta Bar in 1984 and has spent his entire career practicing in Edmonton. He currently practices at Meikle Osgood, where he focuses on estates and estate litigation, corporate commercial matters, real estate, and represented adult matters. He has appeared at the Alberta Court of Justice (previously the Provincial Court of Alberta), the Court of King’s Bench and the Court of Appeal of Alberta.

Randy is a long-time member of the Canadian Bar Association and had made significant contributions to CBA Alberta Sections over the years. He previously chaired both the Real Property and Wills, Estates & Trusts Sections for a total of six years, and is a frequent speaker at Sections meetings, conferences, and other CBA events. Randy is also a valued ambassador of CBA Alberta, and is known for recruiting young lawyers to volunteer, and for passionately speaking to law students about the value of CBA membership.

However, Randy is probably best known within the CBA community for his countless volunteer hours dedicated to the north Small, Solo & General Practice (SSGP) Section. This “small but mighty” Section is an invaluable place for sole practitioners and those from small firms to gather, build a community, and discuss the unique issues experienced by lawyers practicing outside larger firms. Randy has served on the Alberta SSGP Section Executive for nearly 10 years, seven of which he was the Section chair or co-chair. Throughout his time on the Executive, he has mentored many new Section Executive volunteers and kept the Section running smoothly through such challenges as the COVID pandemic. Randy has now moved on to lead the CBA National SSGP Section Executive, and will take the reins as Chair in the fall.

On behalf of the CBA Alberta Executive Committee, Board of Directors and 5,100+ members, we congratulate Randy on this well-deserved honour.

The Cecilia Johnstone Award for Outstanding Service is named in honour of the first female president of the Canadian Bar Association – Alberta Branch, who went on to serve as national president of the CBA and was a champion for lawyers across the country. It recognizes exceptional involvement, dedication, and service to the CBA Alberta.

Madam Justice Cecilia Johnstone passed away in April 2006, and in March 2007 the Outstanding Service Award was officially renamed the Cecilia Johnstone Award for Outstanding Service in her memory. Learn more about the award here.